Daniel Sancho gets more time for his defense after three hours of hearing

Daniel Sancho This Monday he faced a new hearing in the provincial court of Samui (south of Thailand). A hearing in which the chef’s defense was expected to present all the evidence proving that the murder of Colombian surgeon Edwin Arrieta It was because of a accident, and not premeditatedas the Prosecutor’s Office accuses him, in addition to two other charges such as the destruction of other people’s documentation and the concealment of the victim’s body.

The court date has been extended until three hoursand in it, the judge has made the decision to set a new date for Sancho’s lawyers to present all the evidence for his defense, thus giving them more time to be able to collect the greatest number of evidence with which to prove that the murder Edwin’s death was due to an accident, as revealed EFE.

Daniel Sancho will have until December 12 to gather all the evidence for his defense. A key date for the case, as it will be the day on which the hearing is held, where the charges he faces will be read again, all having pleaded guilty, except for premeditation, as this is punishable by death.

A new extension for Daniel Sancho

This decision by the judge to give Daniel Sancho’s defense more time comes after having obtained other extensions in recent months. The first hearing was planned for the end of October, but Rodolfo Sancho’s son demanded to have a Spanish interpreter to face his case. He also refused to allow it to be done electronically, and in exchange they gave him two more weeks to plan his defense.

Subsequently, on November 13, the young man resigned from his court-appointed lawyer, which left him without a legal representative, so a new one must also be appointed for him. A lawyer that has been leaked that may be Apricot Srinuel. It is worth remembering that it is mandatory to have a Thai lawyer despite already having a lawyer in Spain.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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