David Beckham shows the damage that the storm has caused to his favorite house

While most people struggle every day to pay their mortgage, at best, David Beckham has a favorite house. It is a refuge in the middle of the countryside located a couple of hours from London where the former soccer player enjoys nature and clean air in the company of his family. But he has had a mishap.

And not even with a lot of money in your pocket can you escape the inclement weather. The former Real Madrid player himself has been in charge of showing on social networks, through his Instagram stories, the consequences of the passage of storm Henk for your property.

In the image that the Briton has shared, you can see a tree split by the force of the storm inside his farm and torn from the ground. Quite a scare for the Beckham family. It could have been worsewrite the now network entrepreneur. We are still devastatedhe added along with an emoticon of a crying face.


luxury life

But pain with money is less pain, so the Beckhams continue to enjoy, despite the storm, some of the most lavish parties, in the company of their family. In fact, They went to the Ritz to celebrate to say goodbye to the year in the company of Victoria’s parents.and the former soccer player also shared it on networks with a small guide to the documentary who stars on Netflix.

A nice casual New Year’s Eve lunch at the Ritz. Very working class. My father-in-law and mother-in-law left all Rollswrote David Beckham in reference to that moment in the film in which the designer says that they were working class and he urges her to tell the truth by asking her in which car her father took her to school.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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