Following an initiative from Vänsterpariet in Karlskrona, the council has today decided to introduce free menstrual protection at all Karlskrona schools.

In the Left Party’s motion before the decision, it was stated, among other things, that “Menstruation should not be a class issue. Being able to have free access to menstrual protection for young people can help to equalize social and economic differences, which can contribute to more equal health.

On Thursday, the decision was hammered out.

– Financial ability should not affect whether one feels safe and comfortable during the school day. I am very happy and proud that the Left Party can contribute to the health of girls and young women, says Henrik Holmkvist (V), group leader in Karlskrona, in a press release.

Collect from the school nurse

At several schools in Karlskrona, there has also previously been access to free menstrual protection – which students could pick up from the school nurse – something that each school arranged themselves. Even in the other Blekinge municipalities, what is offered differs from each school.

Ronneby municipality offers free menstrual protection at its secondary schools, but not at primary schools.

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Hear student Zeinab Shamdin’s thoughts on the school nurses’ solution in the clip above. Photo: SVT / Frida Lindhe


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