Earlier in December, the new series “Christmas Storm” premiered on Netflix.

The action is set in Gardermoen, where the travelers are stranded for 24 hours due to storms.

“Julestorm” is directed by Per-Olav Sørensen, who previously had great success with the Netflix series “Home for Christmas”. He also has several of the actors from his previous projects with him, including Ida Elise Broch and Dennis Storhøi (62).

The dog has its own Christmas calendar

When Good Evening Norway met Storhøi in connection with the premiere of “Christmas Storm”, he could tell that he has a kind of romantic relationship with Christmas.

– I have a wife who loves Christmas so much, and who has brought up the Christmas spirit in me. Not only that, but I also have three children and a “bissevov” who loves Christmas, says the actor.

CHRISTMAS HAPPY: Dennis Storhøi says that he is very happy at Christmas. Now he has played in up to several Christmas series in recent years. Now he is relevant as the tired pianist Arthur Berg in “Julestorm”. Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB

– Her name is Stella, and of course she also gets her own Christmas calendar. Presents too, he laughs.

Has its own Christmas room from the 19th century

In November two years ago, the Storhøi family bought a new house and moved back to Fredrikstad – 40 years after he left his hometown.

– There we have a living room from the 19th century which is completely original. It is a real Christmas room with an old-fashioned soapstone oven. We celebrated there for the first time last year, and it was simply fantastic.

Storhøi reflects on the fact that Christmas can bring out a lot of emotions in people, and that everyone has different experiences. He himself believes that his family is above average happy at Christmas.

– Ultimately, my family has been very good at staying together at Christmas.

Among the traditions that are high on the list are both the Christmas stocking and a box of King Haakon sweets.

COLLEAGUES: Dennis Storhøi and Ravdeep Singh Bajwa star together in the new Netflix series

COLLEAGUES: Dennis Storhøi and Ravdeep Singh Bajwa star together in the new Netflix series “Christmas Storm”. Photo: Martin Habbestad / Good evening Norway

– There are quite a few things that need to be done, so there is a lot of planning in advance. I think that’s really fun.

Christmas morning consists of sitting in your pajamas with your Christmas stocking and watching “Three Nuts for Cinderella”.

– It’s really nice to gather like that there, he thinks.

Had to take action

However, there is one tradition Storhøi has had to let go of in recent years – namely the Christmas food.

– In the old days we used to have pig’s heads and things like that, but that stopped when I stopped eating meat, he says.

The 62-year-old has switched to a plant-based diet in recent years, but still eats fish.

– So I’m not a “veggie”, but a “pescis”, laughs Storhøi.

He admits that it has been tough to let go of the Christmas food, but that he did it for his health.

– Not eating meat helped a lot with the energy level. There was nothing political here. The general energy of someone my age and working like that – it became something completely different. Much easier, he says and continues:

– But I miss exactly that Christmas food, that is. And wiener sausages! If you smell it inside gas stations, you’re crazy. Then you just have to get out, right? But I started to get heavy, so then I just had to do something, laughs Storhøi.

The actor suffers no hardship after switching to a mainly plant-based diet, as he can tell that his wife of 25 years, Mona Storhøi, is incredibly good at cooking.

– I am very lucky there. There are Asian dishes, Indian dishes, everything. This year I think there will be vegetarian cakes, I can also eat fish. I’m very fond of sushi, lobster and that type of thing, it’s a good substitute, that is.


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