The world is constantly evolving, it is increasingly common to see women succeeding in sectors that were previously unthinkable. Among them are audio engineering and music production, since we currently have cases of women raffling and doing incredible things behind the console, like Diana Urquiza Flores.

Here we have told you about several 100% Mexican women engineers who are breaking it very hard in their branch, like idania valencia y Samantha Ambrosio, some real cracks when it comes to recording artists/bands or making them sound great live. But now, it’s time to tell you about Diana Urquiza, who, like them, is making way for many girls in sound.

For those who don’t know her, Diana Urquiza is one of the best audio engineers and music producers that we have in our country.. For years he has dedicated himself to recording musicians and sharing his knowledge with young people, giving him classes in different important schools in our country.

But currently, is one of the co-founders of Immersive Laba studio dedicated to bringing Dolby Atmos sound and immersive audio formats to the public, both in roles and in movies. And without a doubt, it is worth knowing the story of Diana Urquiza and the path she has traveled to get to where she is.

The beginnings of Diana Urquiza in music

As has happened to many, Diana Urquiza’s love for music was born when she was very young, because her father sometimes played the guitar and sang with her and her sisters. And of course, from then on he became fond of this art, since he gave him extremely magical family moments.

“When the power went out, he would suddenly say ‘let’s see, come on daughters.’ I was the only one who went and we started to sing on the guitar”. From there I have a magical fascination for music and its sensitivity (…) I love listening to it, I love producing it, I enjoy concerts. It all started with a guitar and seeing my dad singing”.

Thanks to this motivation, Diana Urquiza began to study music, as she learned to play the piano. But besides the passion that he feels for interpreting songs, he also has a fascination for technology and all the equipment needed to record a song or disc. That is why decided to plunge into the world of audio engineering and music production.

“These races did not exist many years ago (…) Something that fascinates me is that we can leave our mark on what we do. But suddenly, when I found out that there are programs or software with which you can sequence your music and you can generate it, I became obsessed. Because what I wanted was to know more about how to make music with a computer, because that means that music can reach more places and more people”.

Diana Urquiza began in music playing the piano/Photo via Instagram: @dianaurquizaflores

Diana Urquiza went from playing music to producing it

Before getting fully into audio production and engineering, Diana Urquiza began to produce her own electronic music. That is why a home studio was set up with a small console, an interface, a keyboard and with that, began to understand what music production was all about, understanding what each knob and button was for.

From there, Diana Urquiza knew that she did not want to dedicate herself to anything other than creating music. Although yes, the road was not so easy, since in his time there were no such careers and he had to make his way as before, entering studies and learning through practice.

I did not have the fortune to study audio production as there are now schools that offer these degrees. In my case, I learned by watching, doing, hitting people I knew, asking them and so on. The road was made like this, we were opening it. One of the most important moments in my life was when I entered a recording studio and started recording bands and projects.

“It wasn’t a very big studio, I saw a lot of light bulbs and I thought it was wonderful. That time I said ‘I’m from here and no one takes me out, I must have my own studio and I want to help other people to have their studies’”.

Diana Urquiza, the producer and sound engineer who seeks to make way for girls in music
Diana Urquiza went from performing music to recording and producing it/Photo via Instagram: @dianaurquizaflores

Diana Urquiza tells us some of the best moments of her career

While giving piano concerts and with his electronic music project, Diana Urquiza went deeper and deeper into audio engineering and music production. However, he has also embarked on other more ambitious projects, such as producing an opera, a rather complicated but satisfying task.

Although Diana Urquiza’s trajectory covers many more areas, since He has also worked in universities sharing his knowledge with the new generations and encouraging them to find a space in this race. But above all, the greatest satisfaction that this career has given her is fulfilling her dreams and those of others with her talent.

“Seeing the faces of the artists when they listen to their recorded material is magical, it is a moment that I will never forget, because they give all their soul and life when it comes to interpreting what they have to do, and that at the end they thank you, it’s amazing. Because in the end, to materialize the dreams of many musicians”.

“One of the most important moments in my career was when I produced an opera for the first time. I had to be the executive producer having more than 1000 artists living together, we combined technology with video mapping symphony orchestra and dance. Bringing all those arts together in one moment was wonderful”.

Diana Urquiza, the producer and sound engineer who seeks to make way for girls in music
One of Diana Urquiza’s greatest satisfactions is hearing her finished projects/Photo via Instagram: @dianaurquizaflores

Diana Urquiza’s perception of women in sound engineering and music production

It is no secret to anyone that for years, it was unthinkable to imagine women like Diana Urquiza in sound engineering and music production. Fortunately, times have changed and it is increasingly common to see girls taking control of consoles both in recording studios and at concerts.

However, The path for these women to consolidate within the music industry has not been easy and of course that Diana Urquiza believes that there are still many things to do so that there are more and more girls and young people working professionally in this career.

“We have many years to go before there is true equality. When I started I was always the only woman, and more so in music production, because she was carrying cables, speakers, being at the console. It was extremely rare for a girl to do all that. I remember they looked at me like ‘what is this girl doing here? This is an environment for men’”.

“As a teacher and manager at certain universities that are dedicated to the creative industries, unfortunately I still see few women in the halls who are dedicated to music production (…) At first everyone helps you, but as you enter this world more and more, they always There is going to be a person who will put you on the foot for being a woman, especially in management positions, which are unattainable and are only occupied by men”.

Of course, the entertainment industry has its edges, but the beauty that it has left me is that I have always had the good fortune to meet people who have given me the opportunity.

Diana Urquiza, the producer and sound engineer who seeks to make way for girls in music
Throughout her career, Diana Urquiza has faced some obstacles to consolidate herself in the industry/Photo via Instagram: @dianaurquizaflores

What does it take to see more women like Diana Urquiza breaking it behind the console?

Despite the fact that Diana Urquiza has had to go through a lot to be a recognized music producer and engineer, He wants to set an example for the girls who are interested in being behind the console that they can succeed in the music industry.

But above all, Diana Urquiza’s mission in this life is to open the way for the new generations of women and so, they have the space and opportunity they deserve to demonstrate their talent. And without a doubt, that is something that is needed for the girls to be encouraged to follow this dream.

“I think that we should encourage that as women, we can be in these industries. They are difficult, of course they are, but I think that we are becoming increasingly aware of how to change things. I know very few women who run or hold senior management positions related to the creative industries, it’s still hard to get to those places and it’s going to take us many more years to be allowed to be in those places. But something I like is leading by example, yes you can.

“It is to lead that example and that initiative to open more paths, I believe that the difficult path that we always go through as women should not be an obstacle. For me, today it is an incentive to lead the way for other women. Let’s be an example of sorority, come, I’ll grab your hand and put you in, you’ll be able to too. Because all those examples empower”.

“My advice is to do your research and approach women who already do. Ask how they did to get there, they will surely say that it is not easy, but that it can be done and one of the worst things in life is not wanting to”.

Diana Urquiza, the producer and sound engineer who seeks to make way for girls in music
Diana Urquiza seeks to be an example for the girls and make way for them in this career/Photo via Instagram: @dianaurquizaflores

The satisfactions that this career has given to Diana Urquiza

Although Diana Urquiza’s path within music production and audio engineering is very heavy and sometimes complicated (like any other job), she She does not regret a single day of the decision she made, because she mentions that she is fulfilling her dreams and above all, the mission she has in life.

“Something very important in this life is that we have a mission, because without a mission we are lost. When you have a mission, everything makes sense, because you wake up every day with enthusiasm and say ‘I want to do this’. Having done everything I set out to do, I think it’s something very nice and I hope more people come to fulfill their dreams. It is not easy, they are going to suffer, but it is part of living ”.

“The satisfaction of this race is enormous, because in some way, you helped to create a mark for humanity, that will remain in the memory of other people and it will pass from generation to generation. That is wonderful, knowing that what you are doing at work, in the studio, recording and producing is going to stay for future generations”.

Diana Urquiza, the producer and sound engineer who seeks to make way for girls in music
Wow, music production and audio engineering have given Diana Urquiza great satisfaction/Photo via Instagram: @dianaurquizaflores


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