Dictatorship publishes alleged statement by a Cuban resident of the US for introducing weapons into the island

HAVANA.– The regime of Miguel Diaz-Canel showed in the official propaganda television program Reasons for Cuba, the alleged confession of Ardenys García Álvarez, who is accused of allegedly having introduced armas and ammunition on the Island to commit terrorist acts.

The 40-year-old Cuban migrant arrived at USA illegally in 2014, he would have entered the Island illegally again in December 2023 on a jet ski, with five pistols and plenty of ammunition and other means, according to Cuban authorities, the website reports Cuba Diary

Colonel Victor Alvarez, deputy head of the Specialized Body of the General Directorate of Criminal Investigation of the Ministry of the Interior (MININT), said in Razones de Cuba that the investigation showed that the action allegedly carried out by García Alvarez “was planned, organized, supported and financed by a group of Cuban terrorists based in the United States, some of whom have carried out other actions of this nature in Cuba.”

According to the officer, the accused intended to recruit people with military training within the Island.

García Álvarez, who said in a video broadcast on the program that he was making a statement “voluntarily,” explained that he contacted Willy González on social media, whom the Cuban regime has on a list of those allegedly involved in terrorist acts against the island.

García Álvarez said that González contacted him later and that he participated in several military training sessions and shooting practices with him and other members of the New Cuban Nation in Arms, which the regime describes as paramilitary and which it has tried to link to alleged terrorist acts.

The accused’s statements were accompanied by images showing shooting practice and the reading of a statement in which members of the New Cuban Nation in Arms affirm that they believe that “the quickest way to achieve it (the end of the dictatorship) is through armed struggle.”

García Álvarez’s confession and the images of shooting practice, legal in the United States, are so far the only evidence of the alleged terrorist acts of which the regime accuses a group of Cubans living in exile.

González García’s father, who is also allegedly involved in the events, said he learned of the alleged plans through his son.

González García could be punished for crimes such as illegal entry into Cuba, other acts against State Security, crimes against the constitutional order and others associated with terrorism, according to the chief prosecutor of the Directorate for Combating Corruption and Illegalities, Eduard Roberts.

Embed – MININT forces dismantle terrorist plan against Cuba, organized and financed from the US

Source: EDITORIAL/Diario de Cuba

Tarun Kumar

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