Tax authorities request to archive investigation against Shakira for tax fraud

MIAMI.- Two years after her separation with former soccer player Gerard Piqu, Shakira has rebuilt his life and home in Miami with his two children, Milan and Sasha. And, although during the process she has been linked to some stars of the entertainment industry such as Lewis Hamilton, Tom Cruise and Lucien Leon Laviscount, the performer celebrates how she has regained her independence.

He made this known in an interview he gave to the magazine Rolling Stone, conversation in which the Barranquilla woman denied that at this moment she has a romance, because his heart belongs to his children and to music.

Despite insisting that she currently does not have the time or space to dedicate to a partner, the Colombian is not closed to the idea that destiny will make her match with a person who will restore her confidence in a relationship.

“I’m not thinking about that… What room do I have for a man right now? What can I tell you? I like men. That’s the problem. I shouldn’t like them with everything that’s happened to me, but imagine how much I like them.” “I like men, I still like them,” he commented.


Shakira reflected on the changes that her life underwent when she settled permanently in Barcelona.

“When you end a relationship of many years, there are things about yourself that seem to have been lost along the way. There are things about yourself that you change for the other person or that you give up. When that relationship breaks up, you feel like you are left with nothing and you have you have to heal yourself, search for yourself and travel back to your center.

She highlighted that by becoming a mother, her strength was transformed, as were the sacrifices and effort to continue her career. “When we are mothers, we never let our guard down. We can continue working, but our commitment as mothers is unwavering. Sometimes it is difficult to find balance. How much time should you dedicate to yourself, how much to your job, how much to the children? But “The children always come first and it is what consumes us the most.”

After their separation, recovering her life was essential, but above all supporting herself and her children.

“I have never had to depend so much on myself as fighting for my survival and that of my children. They have seen their mother cry; they have seen her celebrate; they have seen her laugh; they have seen her work until she was tired. And that’s it: I want to show them that life is not linear. It is not how people imagine it in the movies. Things do not go the way we want and we have to face disappointment. It is part of the human condition.

meet again

After a year of reaping success after success, and leaving aside the bad move that happened, Shakira today focuses on recovering herself, with those parts that she thought she had lost: perspective.

“The ability to differentiate what is important from what is not so important,” he commented.

Perhaps what he is most happy about is reconnecting with his Latin roots.

“I have discovered My accent! My Caribbean accent has returned now that I am not in Spain,” he said with a laugh. “Now I hang out with Barranquilla girls from my son’s school and I’m surrounded by Cubans, Puerto Ricans, Dominicans, Colombians. Yes, my accent has returned, thank God.”

“I’ve got my style back. And I feel sexy again.”

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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