If you sold goods on Vinted or another peer-to-peer platform in 2022, you may need to report the proceeds. Depending on their amounts, however, you will not necessarily be taxable.

If you sold clothes on Vinted in 2022, then you probably received an email from the site titled “ Your annual income report “. This is not a phishing, or an error on the part of Vinted: it is a very important document to keep, which could be useful for your tax declaration.

Indeed, for the fourth consecutive year, it will be necessary to declare the income earned on Vinted. The tax declaration campaign of the year 2022 will start in April 2023. No need to do anything for now. However, there are still many unanswered questions: does everyone need to declare their income from Vinted? How to do it ? Numerama takes stock of this particular subject. You will find all the best practices for declaring your income and digital accounts in this other complete guide.

The Vinted app // Source: Vinted

In which cases do you have to make your declaration?

Many Internet users have asked themselves the question: do you really have to declare the income earned on Vinted? The answer is yes, for the fourth consecutive year. However, you do not need to declare your income on the platform in all cases. In effect, ” a reporting exemption for platforms is provided for income from the sale of second-hand goods between individuals “unless you realized” more than 3,000 euros in revenue or more than 20 transactions “. Concretely, ” if the user has exceeded each of these 2 thresholds (more than €3,000 and more than 20 transactions), the platform must declare the income to the tax authorities », explains the tax site.

If you have won less than 3,000 euros, or have made less than 20 transactions, you are therefore not affected by the reporting obligation.

Vinted is not the only online sales platform affected. Article 242 bis of the General Tax Code, modified by the law of October 23, 2018concerns, since 2020, “ platforms for connecting people remotely, electronically, with a view to selling goods, providing a service or exchanging or sharing goods or services “.

Vinted, which is part of this type of platform, is therefore required:

  • To prevent, with each transaction, “ tax and social obligations incumbent on persons who carry out commercial transactions through it »,
  • to provide persons using its services, at the end of each year, with a summary of the transactions carried out during the past year (this is ” this summary which will allow them to complete their tax return, provided of course that the income in question is to be declared », explains the tax site),
  • and to provide this same information to the tax authorities.

If you have a Vinted account, you will therefore receive by email before January 31, 2023 a document summarizing the transactions carried out in 2022.

The Vinted logo
The Vinted logo

You will not necessarily be taxed on sales

Be careful, however: declaration is not always synonymous with taxation. The tax department makes a distinction between the sale of goods that ” we no longer want to keep and the sale of goods purchased for the express purpose of reselling them.

If you have sold property with the intention of getting rid of it, you will not be taxed, except if the sale concerns precious metals, or if the amount of the capital gain is greater than 5,000 euros(excluding furniture, household appliances or automobiles, which are exempt).

If you bought goods for the express purpose of reselling them, the situation is different: you buy a large quantity of clothes in order to resell them for a profit, the income is therefore taxable. If you are in this situation, depending on the amount of your annual income, you will have to declare your income according to several tax systems.

When should you report your Vinted sales?

You won’t be able to report your sales on Vinted until the tax filing season has started. This year, the government has clarified that the declaration would be available from April 2023. You can then make your declaration online, or on paper. Depending on your department number, or the method of declaration chosen, you will have more or less time to complete the latter.

For the moment, according to Journal du Netthe estimated schedule for the reporting period is as follows:

  • April 06, 2023: opening of the 2022 income declaration service via the internet.
  • May 18, 2023: deadline for the 2023 declaration on 2022 income in paper version.
  • May 23, 2023: deadline for reporting 2023 on 2022 income by internet for departments 1 (Ain) to 19 (Corrèze).
  • May 30, 2023: deadline for reporting 2023 on 2022 income by internet for departments 20 (Corsica) to 54 (Meurthe and Moselle).
  • June 07, 2023: deadline for reporting 2023 on 2022 income by internet for departments 55 (Meuse) to 976 (Reunion).

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