A dollar in recovery today marked the difference in the exchange rate that, from 18 and a fraction that it was reporting, today rose to 19.05, the highest rise in the last week.

He Bank of Mexico (Banxico) set the exchange rate for today at $19.0517 MN, higher than the $18.8895 MN of the previous day.

The equivalence of the Mexican peso with other foreign currencies will be calculated according to the price that prevails for the latter against the US dollar.in international markets the day the payment is made.

These quotes will be made known, at the request of the interested parties, by the country’s credit institutions.

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$!Dollar 'jumps' the wall of 19 pesos, they expect it to rise more

would continue to increase

The average exchange rate in Mexico by credit institutions and exchange houses for this February 8 is 18.9331, higher than the 18.8789 of the previous day; today they buy the green ticket at 18.5728 and sell it at 19.2934; on Thursday it could arrive with an average of 19.0464, to be sold at 19.0414 and bought at 19.0339.

According eldolar.infoIt is indicated that the week maintains a gain of 0.46 percent for the dollar; the month has 0.83 percent earned; the quarter and so far this year transits with a drop of -2.36%.

$!Dollar 'jumps' the wall of 19 pesos, they expect it to rise more

While during the administration Joe Bidenpresident of the United States, the green ticket loses -3.49%, while that of the Mexican president, Andres Manuel Lopez Obradordecreases -5.76%.

See how the exchange rate has been established so far this month and the projection by financial institutions:

With media information


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