DeSantis attacks Trump for avoiding debates, is it an example of cowardice?

MIAMI.- The presidential candidate Donald Trump once again surpassed his rival in the contest Ron DeSantisaccording to an informal survey conducted by the executive committee of the Republican Party in Miami-Dade.

Trump won a landslide victory over DeSantis. Of the 65 members present at a recent meeting in Miami, 53 voted for the former president, while only five voted for DeSantis.

The room where the meeting took place erupted in applause and chants of “Trump, Trump, Trump” after the results were announced, according to personalities who attended the private meeting.

According to Kevin Marino Cabrera, commissioner of Miami-Dade and who attended the meeting, this survey shows that the Florida county is “Trump territory,” according to the media outlet Politico.

The results may have surprised some by showing a defeat for DeSantis, who is considered the architect of turning Miami-Dade into a Republican county after being a Democrat for several decades, during his re-election as governor in 2022.

Some members present at the meeting expressed that DeSantis has lost support when trying to move to the right, since the former president is considered the standard of that political trend.

Donald Trump in the lead

Trump has been consolidating his influence over DeSantis in Florida by supporting the Republican congressional delegation, thereby attracting some state lawmakers to his side.

Although the majority in the state Congress supports DeSantis, pressure from Trump supporters led to some rules of the Florida Republican Party being changed, eliminating the requirement of loyalty to the Republican candidate.

This survey in Miami-Dade has no direct connection with the formal endorsement of the party to a presidential candidate, but reflects a movement toward Trump instead of DeSantis among the county’s Republican base.

Despite this, some members noted that DeSantis remains a popular governor and could still seek the presidency in the future, perhaps in 2028.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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