These are dramas that remain for the vast majority anonymous, ignored by the headlines or controversies on social networks. They are, however, duly attested by the statistics: in France, 326 motorists were sentenced for “aggravated manslaughter” after causing a fatal traffic accident while under the influence of alcohol or narcotics; 2,501 were sentenced for “aggravated unintentional injuries” after having caused a physical accident, again under the influence of alcohol or narcotics. Each of these judgments corresponds to one or more victims, deceased, disabled for life or injured to varying degrees.

Drugs while driving: more convictions

These raw data come from an analysis by the Ministry of Justice statistical service published in February 2021 [PDF] on the basis of consolidated judicial data for the year 2018. This study constitutes one of the most recent insights into the way in which the courts take traffic crime into account. “The judicial handling of road disputes has been stable over the past decade. The evolutions are however contrasted according to the infringements », observes in the preamble Valentin Cocuau, the statistician at the ministerial statistical service of justice who signed this document. However, two phenomena emerge:

“Convictions for driving after using narcotics, on the rise since the

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