Emmanuel Macron called for “the unity of the nation” and not to give in “spirit of division”Saturday during his wishes to the French, during which he also confirmed that 2023 would be the year of pension reform, and insisted on the ecological transition.

“Let’s be proud”launched the President of the Republic in his televised address, listing the successes of the country. “We need to have this pride and this confidence” to face 2023 “in a united and united country”he insisted.

He called to “the unity of the nation” so as not to give in “spirit of division” which would prevent France from “going out in such a harsh world, in such hard times”.

The Head of State confirmed his intention to quickly launch the reform of the pension system, with a view to an application “from the end of summer” 2023.

Pension reform: why Macron wants to impose it

“As I promised to you, this year will indeed be that of a pension reform which aims to ensure the balance of our system for the years and decades to come”and to “consolidate our pay-as-you-go pension scheme”, did he declare. The government must present its reform on January 10.

Emmanuel Macron advocated postponing the legal retirement age to 65 during his presidential campaign, before saying he was open, between the two rounds of the election and then this fall, to a solution combining a lesser postponement of the legal age to an extension of the contribution period.

The President also insisted that France should ” to earn “ the ” battle “ of the “ecological transition”promising to“accelerating the deployment of renewable energies” in parallel with “launch of the construction of new power plants” nuclear.

With regard to the threat of power cuts this winter, “it’s in our hands”said the head of state. “If we continue to save energy as we have been doing for a few months” and if “we continue to recommission our nuclear reactors as planned, we will get there”he assured.

The president finally promised to help Ukrainians “without fail”, “until victory”. “We will be together to build a just and lasting peace. Count on France and count on Europe”he assured.


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