The eBay classifieds sales platform is extremely popular in Germany, and the namesake and original owner eBay has had nothing to do with it for a long time. But in just a few weeks, the old name will finally disappear.

The new logo

Three years ago, eBay sold its classifieds platform to Adevinta, the Norwegian company specializes in such platforms and owns classifieds portals and holdings in many European countries. eBay Classifieds is one of the showpieces of what Norwegians have to offer. The name of the US group was only used on a transitional basis, as it naturally got stuck in the minds of customers.

It was already announced last year that eBay will disappear from the brand presence in the near future. Exactly when was not announced at the time. Because there was and is no real reason to hurry, since the brand and name eBay can theoretically be used until 2024. However, Adevinta has now announced that it is quicker to part with “eBay”.
classifieds.comThe new design affects the entire site as well as a completely revised logo

eBay disappears in mid-May

In a press release it says that on May 16 eBay classifieds will finally (only) become classifieds. Not only the name changes, but the entire design. Because classified ads also get a completely new logo and a completely revised website appearance.

The logo, which previously showed a stylized squiggle from a newspaper ad, is becoming an intertwined K – according to those responsible, this is intended to symbolize “sustainability and the circular economy”. The URL is also changing, with the website being central from mid-May. There is currently only a preview or a countdown, from May 16th there will be a redirect from the previous address – the original domain will remain intact in this form and function for quite a while. A new registration or new installation of the app is not necessary, functionally nothing changes. In other words: the packaging is new, but not the contents. However, new features are also being added, above all a new dark mode that darkens the background of the page.


  • eBay classifieds becomes classifieds: new name, logo & design.
  • From May 16th, the new URL “” will apply.
  • Nothing changes functionally, but new features are added.
  • The US group eBay has had nothing to do with classified ads for 3 years.
  • eBay would have been allowed to use the name until 2024, but decided to part ways early.
  • The new logo is intended to symbolize sustainability and the circular economy.

See also:

Logo, Design, New, Classifieds, eBay Classifieds

Logo, Design, New, Classifieds, eBay Classifieds


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