Milei described Ricardo López Murphy as a traitor and blackmails

The candidate for President presented his book at the Book Fair and pointed against the former Minister of Economy, today enrolled in Together for Change

Photo: Javier Milei, last night, at the Book Fair, vented his anger on a member of Together for Change

javier milei last night became one of the great events of the 2023 Book Fair. As last year, the candidate for President overflowed the largest room of the event -José Hernández- to present his book The End of Inflation.

Juan Manuel Urtubey: “I would not compete within Together for Change”

Juan Manuel Urtubey, former governor of the province of Salta

This Monday, the former governor of jump and presidential candidate Juan Manuel Urtubeymade reference to the possibility of adding his new force, which he formed with Juan Schiaretti, to Together for Change.

I would not compete within Together for Change, because I do not agree with the country model that they have. It doesn’t fit me how in ideological and conceptual terms because I have my ideas regarding the country model, to discuss a frankly liberal model that others propose”, said the leader.

And he clarified: “I do not disqualify that, I have different ideas. The problem in Argentina is not Kirchnerismthe problem is this polarization of kirchnerismo and macrismo that both are part of the problem, not the solution.

“If I thought that everything would be resolved, we would pile up against each other after I don’t have to complain when what comes is a disaster. Because once the previous government ends, you no longer have anything in common, ”he concluded.

Tierra del Fuego 2023 elections: one in five people voted blank

In the Tierra del Fuego elections, one in five people voted blank
In the Tierra del Fuego elections, one in five people voted blank

In the elections of Governor of Tierra del Fuego one in five people voted blank, while one in four did the same for the provincial deputies, according to emerges from 100% scrutiny provisional revealed today by the District Electoral Court.

The blank votes for governor totaled 22,083 out of a total of 102,301 valid votes, that is, a 21.59%.

Likewise, in the elections where 15 legislators were elected to integrate the Fuegian parliament, the blank votes were 25,380 out of 100,268, the 25.31%.

Elections in San Juan: Peronism won almost the entire province, but lost the mayor of the capital

The opposition prevailed with more than 56% of the votes in said district. “We got 51% of the votes and Together for Change only 35 or 36%,” said Governor Sergio Uñac

Sergio Unac, Governor of San Juan
Sergio Unac, Governor of San Juan

In an election in which it was not possible to vote for governor and vice president, categories that are suspended due to a ruling by the Supreme Court of Justice, the Peronism of San Juan won almost the entire province, but lost the mayor of the capital, which was left in the hands of Together for Change.

Joaquín de la Torre: “Patricia Bullrich is braver than Horacio Rodríguez Larreta”

Joaquín de la Torre, deputy of the province of Buenos Aires
Joaquín de la Torre, deputy of the province of Buenos Aires

Joaquin de la Torreprovincial deputy for Together for Changespoke this Monday of the presidential inmate in the opposition force and assured that “Patricia Bullrich is braver than Horacio Rodríguez Larretathat’s what you need Argentina”.

He also insisted on the need to create a front with javier milei ahead of the 2023 Elections. “We should make a front of fronts in the Province of Buenos Aires and include Javier Milei”said the legislator.

And in this context, he assured: “Local governments have a much better image than national ones”.

Together for Change challenged before the Supreme Court the indefinite re-election of Gildo Insfrán in Formosa

The candidate for governor of the opposition Fernando Carbajal did it. He objected to the current president going for his eighth consecutive term

Gildo Insfrán, governor of Formosa, will go for his eighth term
Gildo Insfrán, governor of Formosa, will go for his eighth term

Together for Change today asked the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation to declare the unconstitutionality of the article that allows the indefinite re-election of the governor and vice president in Formosa and to challenge the candidacy of the current president, Gildo Insfran, that in the elections next month he will go for his eighth consecutive term.

How Javier Milei’s candidate fared in Tierra del Fuego

Javier Milei with Laura Andrea Almirón
Javier Milei with Laura Andrea Almirón

The data that drew attention to Land of Fire was the performance of the candidate for Freedom Advancesthe evangelical Laura Andrea Almiron. stayed in the third locationwith just over 7%.

Almirón is an evangelical pastor, known among the Fuegians for her positions against legal abortion but who had no political background.

It is worth mentioning that in La Pampa the libertarian party, commanded by javier mileidid not present a candidate for governor, but had aspirants for provincial deputies and councilors in some cities.

While in Salta, the force Freedom Advances he also did not present candidates for governor. Javier Milei was close to closing ranks with Marcos Urtubey, son of Juan Manuel, but the negotiations did not prosper.

Vidal highlighted the choice of JxC in La Pampa

María Eugenia Vidal, National Deputy
María Eugenia Vidal, National Deputy

The national deputy and former governor of the Province of Buenos Aires, Mary Eugenia Vidalused their social networks to highlight the performance of Together for Change in the elections of The Pampa.

How proud the election of Together for Change in La Pampa! We add deputies, mayors, and councilors, ”said the PRO reference. And she added:Congratulations to the whole team and thanks to all the pampas who chose the future”

Wado De Pedro celebrated the official triumph in 3 provinces

Eduardo "Wado" De Pedro, Minister of the Interior (Gustavo Gavotti)
Eduardo “Wado” De Pedro, Minister of the Interior (Gustavo Gavotti)

The Minister of the Interior, Eduardo “Wado” DePedro, made reference to the triumphs of the ruling party in the elections of La Pampa, Tierra del Fuego and Salta. “By the latest numbers provided, it is an election where federalism and the reality of the provinces they beat the media discourse and the consultants, who have the same characteristic: 011″, assured the official in dialogue with C5N.

Likewise, he explained the reason for the victories in the three districts: “Because of the reality in the Argentine provinces, where strategic works were carried out, and where the governors have governed to recover the employment that was lost in the management of Cambiemos”.

For his part, the leader spoke about the internal front of everythings facing the PASSED. “If there is no programmatic and concise agreement to seriously resolve these things within the Front, we will have a STEP for the electorate. If it cannot be agreed, people will have to decide who is more prepared to govern and comply,” he said.

Winners and losers of another election Sunday: foreseeable triumphs, a red light for the opposition and the battle that has not yet begun

Salta, La Pampa and Tierra del Fuego, with an ally from the Frente de Todos, achieved resounding victories against Together for Change. The defeats set off alarm bells in the opposition. Milei’s libertarians were absent. And San Juan voted halfway. Will these results influence the presidential elections?

Gustavo Sáenz, from Salta, Sergio Ziliotto (La Pampa), Gustavo Melella (Tierra del Fuego) and Sergio Uñac (San Juan)
Gustavo Sáenz, from Salta, Sergio Ziliotto (La Pampa), Gustavo Melella (Tierra del Fuego) and Sergio Uñac (San Juan)

On another voting Sunday – in a long and tiring electoral year – Peronism celebrated foreseeable victories that confirmed a trend: the provincial ruling parties win, while the image of the national government falls, driven by inflation and instability. Thus, the front of all strengthened, alarm signals were lit to Together for Change and the libertarians of javier milei they were either absent from the competition or were severely relegated.


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