Jujuy, Misiones and La Rioja will face the provincial elections today in which they will seek to elect their new governors and legislators.


In Jujuy they must elect the successor to Governor Gerardo Morales, in addition to 24 legislators, municipal authorities and the conventional constituents, who must deal with the partial reform of the provincial Magna Carta.

A total of 588,701 Jujeños were able to vote on the day, which represents 1.67% of the national register. The official list of the Frente Cambia Jujuy (FCJ), which represents Together for Change, faces five other opposition alliances and two provincial parties.

Gerardo Morales promoted the candidacy of his Treasury and Finance Minister, Carlos Sadir, together with the head of the provincial radical bloc Alberto Bernis, while the mayor of the capital, Raúl Jorge, will go for his re-election. The Peronist candidate is the provincial deputy and president of the local PJ, Rubén Rivarola, together with the national deputy Carolina Moisés.


In a day for which there are more than 989,000 citizens empowered to vote, the missionaries elect 20 titular provincial deputies and the municipalities of all localities, in addition to the governorship.

The pro-government Concord Renewal Front will seek to maintain power with the formula made up of former president Hugo Passalacqua and provincial deputy Lucas Romero Spinelli. Likewise, Governor Oscar Herrera Ahuad is at the head of the list of provincial deputies of the force.

For Together for Change (JxC) the radical Martín Arjol and Natalia Döpler, from PRO, will compete, and the legislative list will be headed by Pedro Puerta (from the Activar force).

On the other hand, in the cities of Candelaria and Santa Ana the electronic voting system (VOCOMI) is used and he stressed that, in the new municipalities Fracrán and Salto Encantado, their mayors and councilors will be elected for the “first time”.

The Rioja

In La Rioja they will elect a governor, legislators and 18 municipal mayors, together with the 36 conventional ones who will have to reform the provincial Constitution. The Peronist Ricardo Quintela will seek to retain the district for the Frente de Todos (FdT).

In this sense, half of the seats of the provincial Legislature will be renewed, which is equivalent to 18 deputies, and all of the Deliberative Councils of all departments.

The FdT will seek to take over the most important municipality, the capital, today in charge of the radical Inés Brizuela y Doria. The main opponents of Peronism are Felipe Álvarez for Together for Change (JxC), who is on the ticket with the vice mayor of the capital Guillermo Galván, and the representative of La Libertad Avanza, the provincial legislator Martín Menem.

“Today is a great day! We live another democratic party because we can choose and decide. Let’s be part of another historic day, participating and exercising our right to vote and our civic duty. May it be a beautiful day for everyone!”, Quintela expressed on his social networks.

In total, 272 schools were arranged throughout the province for the electoral act, with 948 tables for the 301,615 voters.


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