The nuclear power plants in Germany go offline. Are electricity prices now threatening to explode? The FDP is already planning a new relief.

The energy crisis triggered by the war in Ukraine is also after the high phase many still in the bones. Energy prices in Germany had exploded within just a few weeks. Gas and heating oil prices more than doubled at times in 2022. The price of electricity has also increased in many contracts – especially in the basic supply. The energy market has calmed down since the beginning of the year. The prices for heating oil and gas have fallen significantly and electricity providers are once again luring customers with cheap offers.

Off for nuclear energy from Saturday: is electricity becoming more expensive now? Green politician with a daring statement

Since . In green electricity and alternative tariffs, a kWh costs between 30 and 35 cents – but will this price level continue? On Saturday, the last nuclear power plants that are still active will go offline. The traffic light coalition had extended the term again in the energy and price crisis in 2022. From the weekend, however, nuclear power should finally be over. The Greens are optimistic.

Bundestag Vice President Katrin Göring-Eckardt (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen) even speaks in the “MDR-aktuell” interview of further falling electricity prices in Germany. “The price of electricity will become cheaper – the more renewables we have.” The end for them Nuclear power welcomes the Green politician. Nuclear power is expensive to manufacture and produce. In addition, the question of disposal remains unresolved. The nuclear waste is currently in interim storage facilities across the country. That also costs a lot of money.

Twitter users shoot against Göring-Eckardt: “Should I put a windmill in the garden now?”

According to Göring-Eckardt, the costs for this are borne by the taxpayers “and above all by future generations”. In addition, nuclear power is no longer necessary for security of supply in Germany. She “didn’t play a significant role anymore – not even last winter”. Next to the Nuclear power the Green politician criticizes the lack of flexibility. “You can’t switch them on at peak times. We need other energy sources for that.” For the transitional period, gas is currently the better option.

Criticism of Göring-Eckardt’s statements hails on Twitter. The yes to the phase-out of nuclear power is also a yes to the continued operation of coal-fired power, writes User and adds: “The grid expansion and expansion of renewables is progressing slowly. Electricity only became expensive under green.” A user takes it with sarcasm: “Should I put a windmill in the garden now?” In any case, Göring-Eckardt is convinced of their forecast for electricity prices. After her “MDR” interview, she wrote on Twitter: “Energy We get wind and sun for free – reliably and safely.”

Electricity price from 2023: Researchers from the University of Cologne give a forecast – from when prices will rise

Expert circles are less certain about the further development of electricity prices in Germany. The Energy Economics Institute of the University of Cologne (EWI) goes into an analysis for the “Frankfurter Allgemeine” of constant gas and electricity prices until 2026. After that, the price of electricity could tend to increase. This trend can also be seen in the long-term development of electricity prices since 2000.

According to information from “financial tip” the electricity price in the period from 2000 to 2023 has risen steadily from around 14 cents per kWh to around 48 cents per kWh of electricity in the primary care increased. Looking at the statistics, falling energy prices are unlikely to be observed. This is one of the reasons why the FDP would like to continue to relieve the burden on citizens after the end of the gas and electricity price brake that has been in force since March. According to a position paper on energy policy available to the German Press Agency (DPA), the liberals want to lower the electricity tax to the EU minimum.

FDP is planning the next relief for electricity customers: how much cheaper a kWh of electricity could be

That would lower the net price for consumers by around two cents per kWh. “In the long term, we also want to work at EU level to ensure that the electricity tax is completely eliminated.” The federal states and municipalities should also make a contribution to lowering electricity prices. According to the FDP plans, the so-called concession fee of around 1.66 cents per kWh should be completely dispensed with. “Further relief for electricity customers should be examined.” The concession fee is a fee network operator to the municipality.

With this levy, the electricity providers pay for the fact that roads and paths can be used for the operation of power lines. However, it is unclear whether the municipalities will get involved in such plans. This would eliminate a source of income for them. In any case, the liberals stand by their plans. The spokesman for energy policy FDP parliamentary group – Michael Kruse – emphasizes the need for new relief. “Energy must become affordable again for all people and companies in this country. We must also make our energy system more resilient to crises.”

Conclusion on the development of electricity prices: That’s how big the influence of nuclear energy on prices is

The conclusion on the development of electricity prices: Green politician Göring-Eckardt believes in falling electricity prices and attributes their forecast to the expansion of renewable energies. Experts are more cautious on this question and tend to believe that energy prices will initially stagnate. A look at the development of electricity prices over the last 20 years also shows that prices have risen rather than fallen. Will the end of the last remaining active nuclear power plants change anything? Questionable.

Especially since the share of atomic energy in the power supply in Germany had recently only been six percent. According to information from Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) Most electricity is fed into the grid via coal (45 percent) and wind power (43 percent). Nuclear energy brings up the rear together with biogas and hydroelectric power and accounts for less than ten percent of the grid. Based purely on these figures, the phase-out of coal is likely to have more serious consequences for energy prices. (with dpa material)

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