The World Health Organization (WHO) declared this Friday, 5, the end of the world emergency due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The announcement was made by the entity’s director general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

Despite the understanding, the director pointed out that Covid-19 is not over, as the “virus is here to stay”. “It’s still killing and it’s still changing,” Tedros said.

Emergency committee met this Thursday, 4, to discuss the end of the Global Health Emergency.

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End of the Covid-19 pandemic: WHO warns that care must continue

The director-general highlighted, during a press conference, that the worst that any country could do at this moment is to use the end of the Global Health Emergency to let its guard down.

“If I need to, I won’t hesitate to declare another emergency,” he said.

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End of the Covid-19 pandemic
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