Ester Expsito and Miguel Bernardeau, caught kissing in Madrid

Ester Expsito and Miguel Bernardeau They are two personalities who have always been involved in couple rumors. However, since Vanitatis They have released a new exclusive about them, and they can confirm that they have kissed.

As they publish in a report on their website, Both actors were seen in the Puerta de Hierro neighborhood (Madrid), in a hidden place, where they did not stop kissing and caressing each an eyewitness tells the aforementioned media.

A meeting that took place after 7 p.m., when both actors, one wearing a hooded sweatshirt, and the other with a cap and hair forward, entered a location in this exclusive neighborhood. A space that has become a refuge for celebrities, which has an interior garden, and where they had a drink together.

Rumors from the end of 2023

Now, they also refer to the fact that they are unaware of the relationship between Exsito and Bernardeau, who They have been immersed in couple rumors even since 2023, coinciding with their respective singles. The Zorro actor had a four-year relationship with the fatheruntil December 2022. Meanwhile, Ester Expsito has had other partners during that time, such as Alvaro Rico, Alejandro Speitzer and Nico Furtado.

I don’t know if they are a couple, but they are involved, confessed a user of the Salseologia channel on social networks. And on December 16, they were also seen hanging out in front of a bar where the performer had reserved the entire ground floor to celebrate his birthday.

An endless number of rumors that Miguel Bernardeau addressed in January, who neither confirmed nor denied it: We have been friends for a long time, yes. The thing is that in my private life I am not going to confirm or deny anything, it is entering a media conference that I do not want.

Be that as it may, there are already several eyewitnesses who have reported seeing both actors kissing, as Vanitatis reports in its exclusive.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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