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Begoa Gmez, axis of control of Sánchez in Congress thanks to Feijo and Abascal

The investigation to Begoña Gomez, The wife of the President of the Government, due to an alleged case of corruption and influence peddling, will once again focus the control questions to Pedro Sánchez in the plenary session of Congress this week, this time from the president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, and of Vox, Santiago Abascal.

“Do you think your government is sustainable?”Feijóo will ask Sánchez two days after the elections to the European Parliament and after learning in the middle of the campaign that Begoña Gómez was summoned as a defendant in the court headed by Juan Carlos Peinado.

Sánchez will predictably emphasize that “there is nothing” in the case of his wife, but the leader of the PP has already asked him for responsibilities and could demand his resignation.

At the moment Feijóo has opened the door to a motion of censure, about which the ERC spokesperson, Gabriel Rufián, will also ask Sánchez: “Do you fear a motion of censure?”. And the popular ones would need the support of Vox but also of Junts, Sánchez’s current investiture partner, to be able to move it forward. In addition to several questions to ministers, the popular ones bring to the plenary session a motion that asks the Government to cease “the pressure on judges” and “respect the full independence of the judiciary.”

“Are you willing to get us into a war to cover up your corruption?” Abascal will also ask Sánchez when considering that the open diplomatic crisis with Argentina and the Government’s latest moves against Israel are excuses for not talking about corruption.

Likewise, the PP spokesperson, Miguel Tellado, will focus his intervention on the recently approved amnesty law, which will come into force this week and will be published in the BOE. Tellado will ask the Minister of the Presidency, Félix Bolaños, if “Is this how this Government wanted to go down in history?”

Vox requests the disapproval of Yolanda Díaz

The intervention of Spain in the procedure of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) initiated by South Africawhich filed a lawsuit against Israel for genocide in the Gaza Strip will also be very present.

While the spokesperson for Podemos, Ione Belarra, will ask the Government to break all types of relations with Israel and will want to know on Wednesday how the Government is going to guarantee a country at peace in the context of the escalation of war?, VOX will urge on Thursday to fail to the second vice president, Yolanda Díaz, “for anti-Semitic statements.” Those from Abascal will ask to revoke the recognition “unilateral“from Spain to the Palestinian State and support for Israel “in its legitimate right to ensure its existence.”

However, parliamentary activity will begin on Monday in Congress with the appearance of the Minister of Territorial Policy, Ángel Víctor Torres, in the Koldo commission, in his capacity as former president of the Canary Islands. Likewise, Torres will explain why he rejected the mask contract with Management Solutionsthe company involved in the alleged corruption scheme.

The plenary session will end on Thursday with the debate on the amendment to the entire Vox to the proposed law for an extraordinary regularization of foreigners and with the debate on the validation of the decree that extends the measures to suspend evictions for vulnerable groups. .

And in the Senate more control of the Government

The plenary session in the Senate will begin on Tuesday afternoon with a control session in which the PP spokesperson, Alicia García, will ask the first vice president and Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero, “What will be the next concessions to the independence movement to remain in the Government”.

They will follow you another twenty questions to the ministers, including some on the Koldo case, the Official Secrets Law, the remuneration of the Armed Forces, the salary increase for civil servants, the approval of new drugs, seasonal rentals and rail transport in Extremadura and in Galicia.

The bill that the PP brings to the plenary session this week is a tax exemption for aid to those affected by thalidomide and there will also be debates on motions on freedom of the press, the European Green Deal and sustainable mobilityamong others.

Refering to activity in committees, highlights the telematic intervention of the leader of the Venezuelan opposition María Corina Machado and the appearances of the Secretary of State for International Cooperation, Eva Granados, and Patricia Ramírez, mother of the murdered child who was known as Little Gabriel, to request measures against the Prison interviews with convicts for crime documentaries.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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