Rapper Travis Scott edits his mugshot in Miami.

Gabriel Soto, 49, and Irina Baeva, 31, dated for five years. In 2018, they both confirmed their relationship and two years later they decided to live together.

According to several media outlets, the Mexican and Russian romance occurred amid rumors of infidelity by the actor toward his current ex-wife and mother of his daughters, actress Geraldine Bazn.

Irina Baeva and Gabriel Soto reappear together after rumors of separation

Amidst several months of separation rumors, Irina Baeva and Gabriel Soto reappeared together at the beginning of this month. To date, the former famous couple published a video through a social network stories on Instagram where they can be seen united.

“After weeks without registering any interaction on Instagram, the actress shared a story on her account in which we see her taking a video call in the company of Gabriel, who is recovering at her side,” reported HOLA.COM.

“Dispelling any rumors about the end of their relationship, the actors were seen smiling and complicit, as usual. Although Irina did not specify what the video conference in which the two participated was about, she gave some clues that point to the fact that they are more committed than ever to their future together, as they met with the famous architect Mario Blsquez, known among celebrities for his interior design work,” detailed the magazine specialized in celebrities and monarchy.

Statement on separation

On July 18, Gabriel Soto published a statement in a stories Instagram post signed by l and Irina Baeva in which they announced the end of their relationship.

“Through this message, with the deepest respect and affection, we want to communicate that after several years of love, support and understanding, we have made the decision to end our relationship,” wrote the Mexican interpreter through a stories.

“These have been years of learning and experiences that will remain with us both and for which we will always be grateful. We have made this decision after several months of reflection with wisdom and maturity. The reasons will remain within our inner circle,” added Gabriel Soto.

In response to the news, the actor asked for respect to deal with the personal process that they are both going through. “We are grateful in advance for allowing us to go through this situation with discretion and respect,” he concluded.

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Gabriel Soto’s statement on separation from Irina Baeva.


Businessman denies romance with Russian actress

After the separation between Gabriel Soto and Irina Baeva became official, it emerged that the Russian actress was allegedly having an affair with the Mexican businessman Vctor Gonzlez Herrera.

In response to rumors of the alleged relationship, the executive issued a statement denying the situation with the artist, who resides in Mexico.

“Statement: I have recently been linked to a public figure with whom I have no relationship. Fortunately, I have had a girlfriend for more than five years and I am focused on my business projects and on continuing to help more people and the planet,” wrote the CEO of F. Similares in a stories from Instagram.

“This is the only statement I will make on this subject. I appreciate your respect,” concluded Victor Gonzalez Herrera.

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Mexican businessman Victor Gonzalez Herrera denies having an affair with Irina Baeva.

Mexican businessman Victor Gonzalez Herrera denies having an affair with Irina Baeva.


Some media had linked Gonzalez with Baeva in an alleged affair.

“Shortly before Gabriel Soto and Irina Baeva announced their separation, a rumor arose linking the actress with Mexican businessman Víctor González Herrera, reported Gossip No LikeThe young businessman is the son of Victor Gonzalez, founder of a well-known pharmacy chain in Mexico, and was also romantically linked to singer Belinda in the past, reports Sit down whoever can! (TelevisaUnivision)”, public People in Spanish.

“It was Javier Ceriani who stated, on July 15 in his program for YouTube Gossip No Likethat the actress is allegedly the official lover of Dr. Simi’s son, Victor Gonzalez Herrera, for two months,” he added. Univision.

They claim that the artist treated the interpreter’s daughters badly

After the businessman denied the secret romance with Baeva, another rumor arose regarding the treatment that the actress gave to the daughters of her ex-partner.

According to the Mexican program The sun risesone of the reasons that led to the breakup of the relationship was Baeva’s treatment of Soto’s little girls.

“Let’s see: you are mothers, I am a father, I ask: if someone mistreats your daughter, how are you going to respond?… ok; that happened, that happened,” said Gustavo Adolfo Infante in the production dedicated to celebrities.

“People close to her say that Irina is very hysterical, has a very bad temper and mistreated Gabriel’s daughters. Every time Gabriel’s daughters came, she treated them badly; so, Gabriel couldn’t stand that… recently, they tell me,” Infante added.

Four months apart and separation without agreement

In the same program The sun risesGustavo Adolfo Infante also brought up Irina Baeva’s statement in which she said that the statement issued by Gabriel Soto announcing the separation by mutual agreement was a lie.

“They had been sleeping in separate rooms for four months, so if Mrs. Irina Baeva says: ‘I don’t know what happened because we were together,’ she is lying because they had been sleeping in separate rooms for four months and it was already agreed that they would end it,” said the presenter of the entertainment program.

“To that we add the rumor of Victor Gonzalez Herrera, who already came out and said no (they had a relationship), but it is a rumor, and also that Gabriel stayed overnight at Cecilia Galliano’s house, plus four months that they were not together, plus the mistreatment of Gabriel’s daughters, well this ended the relationship. I think there is nothing more to talk about,” recalled Gustavo Adolfo Infante, at the beginning of the program broadcast on July 22.

Baeva reveals that she married Soto

In an interview I gave to the magazine HELLO!Irina confirmed that they said ‘I do’ in a spiritual wedding that took place at the actor’s house in Acapulco.

“We got married on March 27 and we had a wedding, a spiritual ceremony. We did it (the wedding) during Holy Week, in Acapulco, in Gabriel’s house there. We did it in a very intimate circle,” said the Russian, emphasizing that the decision to have the ceremony was theirs.

“We both made this decision, we got married this way, it was something important, it was something symbolic, it was something very intimate with the people closest to us.”

The 31-year-old actress said that her parents and sister attended the celebration, as well as Soto’s daughters, Elissa Marie and Alexa Miranda.

Denial of abuse towards daughters

“From my point of view, I have already said everything I had to say. I think I have clarified everything I had to clarify, what I considered necessary. Now the only thing left is to accept and be able to walk this new path for me, totally outside my comfort zone, with the greatest peace and asking for that respect in order to be able to move forward,” the interpreter declared to various media, according to information reported in People in Spanish.

She also denied the accusations about her treatment of the actor’s daughters and stressed that she always respected them as her partner’s daughters.

“Don’t really believe everything that is said, there are always many versions of the story and, as I said from the beginning, women are unfortunately judged much more in society. It’s not true, it’s not like that at all. I know that the girls are the greatest treasure in Gabriel’s life, they were always with us and we were always with them,” she concluded.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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