In German executive floors, there is a large gap between the demands placed on employees and the IT security practice they live by themselves. This is one of the key findings of the “State of Security Preparedness 2023” study. The IT security company Ivanti has now published the international report. It compares the assessments and experiences of employees, managers and security experts on the security situation in a professional context.

According to the survey, German CXOs in particular have great doubts about their own company’s cyber resilience: around 10 percent of those surveyed stated that they did not believe that their own cyber security team could face a “serious security incident within the next 12 months”. prevent or stop. This is the highest value in all countries participating in the survey. At the same time, the executive floor is particularly often used as a gateway for cyber criminals: decision-makers are victims of phishing attempts three times as often as their employees. Two out of three executives were the target of such an attack in 2022, and a third have fallen victim to it at least once in the past.

Phishing is still by far the most common type of attack in the professional environment: According to Ivanti, more than half of the cyber attacks on companies fell into this category, followed by ransomware at 22 percent and threats to the software supply chain at 13 percent on the third rank.

As expected, the threat situation is also having an impact on company budgets. Only every tenth company in Germany has not yet built up any reserves for possible ransomware payments – another top value in an international comparison. These funds make up almost half of the cyber security budget (49%), a further 43 percent flow into the establishment and expansion of security teams and tools, and 6 percent into cyber insurance.

The survey for the “State of Security Preparedness 2023” report was conducted by the market research company Ravn Research on behalf of Ivanti in October 2022. 6,500 managers, cybersecurity experts and office workers were surveyed worldwide, 1,050 of them in Germany. the full report is online available for download against submission of contact details.

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