Eye diseases that can make you blind

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It can present as a rare complication of cataract surgery.

There are several causes that originate it, mainly due to exogenous factors such as bacteria or fungus entering the eye after an operation, an injection into the eyeball or an eye injury.

Puncture wounds to the eye are the most likely cause of endophthalmitis.. “In addition, it can present as a rare complication of cataract surgery, but it does not occur in all cataract surgeries” warns optometrist Myriam Herrera Gámez from the National Institute for the Blind, INCI.

According to the specialist, the symptoms may include eye pain that worsens after an operation, an injection or an eye injury.; eye redness; pus or white or yellow discharge from the eyes; swollen or droopy eyelids and blurred, decreased or no vision.

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The damage is usually higher when viewing the screen in the dark.

Treatment consists “of an injection of antibiotics or antifungals into the eye. A steroid can also be administered to reduce swelling and, in more serious cases, other pharmacological and surgical procedures,” says optometrist Herrera Gámez.

On the other hand, for prevention of endophthalmitis it is recommended to wear protective glasses when performing household tasks that may damage the eye. This includes things like cutting grass and sawing wood.

Also, wear appropriate safety glasses and equipment during contact sports. It is also important to follow your doctor’s instructions for home care after an eye operation or injection. For example, washing hands before putting eye drops and not letting the eye drop bottle touch the eye, as it can contaminate the dropper.

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When diabetes is not adequately controlled, The small blood vessels in the retina begin to be damaged, which prevents them from receiving blood; it then initiates the growth of new blood vessels which are very fragile with thin walls, which can leak blood into the center of the eye causing partial vision loss or blindness.

Therefore, The progression of diabetic retinopathy depends on factors such as the duration of diabetes and inadequate management of the disease.

Healthy habits can be the ones that prevent retinopathy from triggering once the diagnosis of diabetes arrives.

A proper diagnosis must be made through an eye exam to find if the retina is detached, swollen or if there is bleeding and/or abnormalities in the blood vessels according to the ophthalmologist consulted.

An average of 90 people per month come to Asodiabetes to undergo an exam that allows the diagnosis of retinopathy. The best way to rule out any visual problem is by visiting the ophthalmologist, who will be in charge of carrying out the relevant tests.

However, as it is a pathology triggered by another underlying disease such as diabetes, It is important that the person with the disease have a culture of prevention and regular check-ups with the treating physicianwho will refer you to an eye specialist.

Bearing in mind that the decrease or loss of vision as a result of diabetes is preventable, and although there are several types of laser and surgical treatment in the early stages, experts from the National Institute for the Blind, INCI and Asodiabetes recommend control of blood glucose levels, eat a healthy diet, avoid a sedentary lifestyle, control cholesterol levels and blood pressure, receive education on diabetespractice a fundus photography exam once a year and visit the ophthalmologist for early detection and proper follow-up.

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This is a condition thatIt develops when the pressure in the eye gradually increases and damages the optic nerve, which is responsible for sending everything that the person observes to the braingenerating the ability to see.

At first, glaucoma has no symptoms, which is why half of the people who have it don’t even know they have it. The only way to know if you have glaucoma is to have ophthalmological controls and perform a specific exam to detect this pathology. There is no cure for glaucoma, but early treatment can often stop the damage and protect your vision.

Over time, you may slowly lose your vision, usually starting with your side (peripheral) vision, especially the area of ​​your vision closest to your nose. Because it happens so slowly, many people can’t tell at first that their vision is changing.

However, as the disease worsens, you may begin to notice that you can no longer see things to the side. Treatment will depend on the severity of the glaucoma and include: prescribed drops, laser, and surgery.

(More: Learn what it is and how you can detect glaucoma, a silent condition)

Taking care of the eyes from the sun is essential to prevent glaucoma.


Today we are exposed to multiple factors that harm visual health

“Poor management of diabetes, delays in diagnosis, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and triglyceride levels predispose to this type of complications and the development of cataracts and glaucoma,” says the ophthalmologist consulted.

Carlos Parra Dussan, general director of the National Institute for the Blind, adds that in Colombia there are 1,948,332 people with visual disabilities and that the World Health Organization, WHO warns that 80% of alterations are caused by carelessness and bad practices. “Today we are exposed to multiple factors that harm visual health and for this reason, the INCI is carrying out this educational task so that Colombians can prevent visual health problems.”

General recommendations for eye care are:

– If you’re going out, avoid looking directly at the sun and protect your eyes from the sun’s rays by wearing glasses with UV protection.
– Keep up proper hygiene prevents the eyes from being reached by microorganisms that can cause infections, such as in swimming pools.
– Do not use home remedies in the eyes, remember that honey or lemon can clog the tear duct.
Avoid the use of drugs not recommended by specialists, Self-medication can cause blindness.
– When using makeup, remember that it is for personal use and has a useful life of six months.
Avoid putting on makeup in a moving vehicle.
– If you are going to work, study or stay on the computer for several hours, take 30-minute breaks and keep the screen at a distance of 33 to 40 cm.
– If you feel dirt or debris in the eye, rinse with plenty of water until the discomfort subsides.

Jimena Delgado
School of journalism EL TIEMPO


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