Fabiola Lucena, the young and expert hands of Vizage Aesthetic Center

Both Lucena and Ferreira began their work in the world of aesthetics at the same age. Mother and daughter are also inspired by the same motive: to contribute to improving the self-esteem of the patients who come to their aesthetic services.

This issue of aesthetics is a bit controversial, because people believe that we only work in the physical area when in truth someone has some type of physical insecurity, they also have some internal deficiency. So, when we help that person change what he wants to change, it helps him to trust himself more, to improve his self-esteem, Fabiola Lucena told DIARIO LAS AMRICAS.

I love the topic of weight loss, because it always makes me very happy to see people achieve goals and work harder for themselves every day. I am strong and I love that people are happy and that they leave here with a smile. That’s what motivates me the most: seeing people happy because they feel better about their image. When you are no longer so insecure about certain aspects, you begin to reflect much better energy. That’s what I like most: contributing to that change, added the 22-year-old.

Since she came of age, Lucena has learned about new treatments and is preparing to be the professional she has become.

I started working with my mother when I was 18 as a receptionist. Little by little I obtained the electrolysis license, which is used to make lasers. And then I started studying nursing. Now I’m in charge of the peptide part, which are hormones that we create in laboratories. Nowadays hormone replacement is very popular. “I see patients daily, we do weight control consultations to identify what the best treatment would be,” she said.

Since I saw my mother I knew that I wanted to be in the area of ​​beauty. And it’s always been a goal to work with her and then achieve my own goals.

Treatments at the Vizage Aesthetic Center

At Vizage, located in Doral, Lucena works in the area of ​​weight loss and laser. And one of the purposes of the medspa is to expand treatments for the benefit of patients.

I am more interested in the endocrine area, that is, hormones. From the age of 45 or 50, women may have less production of hormones and hormone replacement is responsible for making up for this loss, which makes the metabolism work faster and weight is lost, he indicated.

We started about two years ago with the topic of weight loss, but the ideal is that we grow to work on more things, that is, not only weight loss or hormone replacement, but also hair loss or imbalance in those who suffer strong effects of menopause, he added.

Benefits of laser

Regarding the advantages of laser, he commented that the most popular use is to remove eyebrow tattoos, although laser-based treatments offer other benefits. The objective of applying laser to the eyebrow area is to then perform micropigmentation, but you can also choose to show off natural eyebrows.

The most popular one that we do is the one that removes the eyebrow tattoo, what it does is that it attacks the pigment and erases it, it takes between three to nine sessions. The procedure is a little painful, but we apply anesthesia and you begin to see the results from the first session, he explained.

In the eyebrow area there are two options, a tattoo can be done to cover the existing one or the person can be left without the tattoo, because with the laser both things can be achieved: cover tattoos, leave them clear enough, or delete them completely.

The other uses of the laser benefit the nails or the appearance of the face.

We use laser to combat nail fungus. We also make an easy one with a charcoal mask, which helps erase some blemishes, improve skin texture or brighten it, he said.

This type of facial is recommended once a month or every six weeks, because the laser is very deep, so we have to wait for the skin to heal. The cells regenerate the area where the laser does any type of damage. Then you see the improvement from the outside in. The good thing about any laser treatment is that the results are seen quite quickly, the improvement is always noticeable from the first session, he explained.

Looking to the future, Lucena learns every day from Ferreira, both in the treatments and in the administrative part.

My mother has a lot of experience, not only in terms of beauty treatments, but also in how to run a business. And my goal is to maybe one day have this same type of business and she has always supported me in everything. From her I have learned to be very responsible, I have matured a lot. Today I have a lot of knowledge despite being very young. And all that has been thanks to my mom. She is the pillar of everything Vizage is. “I am very grateful and happy to learn from her.”

And my mom being my boss sometimes has its negative side, but mostly it is very positive. She has taught me to be hardworking, to be humble and to fight for what I want. That is what defines the person I am today.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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