Five people are arrested for robbing Miguel Bos's house

MEXICO CITY.- Five people were arrested for their alleged participation in the robbery of the casa by Spanish singer-songwriter Miguel Bose occurred in August in Mexico City, local authorities recently announced.

The arrests were carried out on the night of December 28 in two separate operations in the Mexican capital, which were carried out by municipal police agents in coordination with members of the National Intelligence Center and the Attorney General’s Office of Mexico City.

The Secretary of Citizen Security of the capital, Pablo Vázquez, said in a press conference that the arrests were made after several months of intelligence and investigation work that included analysis of the video surveillance cameras that operate in various parts of the city.

Investigation into robbery at the artist’s house

Vázquez indicated that the investigations made it possible to detect that the probable perpetrators used several vehicles to reach the artist’s residence and that the units were used for different robberies in Mexico City.

The robbery at Bos’s house occurred on the night of August 18 when the artist, 67, was in the building with his family.

According to the musician, who moved to Mexico with his family in 2018, 10 armed individuals broke into his home and tied him, his children, and the household staff for more than two hours. The assailants stole jewelry, cash and a luxury van with which they fled, local media reported.

“It was all very tense, delicate and unpleasant. This is the only version they should listen to. They are saying things that are not true, as some usually like,” said the 67-year-old artist, after the event.

“Thank you all for the support and constant concern shown, but rest assured. To my urbanization neighbors, the first to arrive, a thousand heartfelt thanks. And to those who speculate so much that, after what happened, I am going to leave Mexico “I’m very sorry to disappoint you. Here I am and here I will stay to face whatever it takes, in the most hospitable country on the planet. We continue…”, the Spaniard concluded.

FUENTE: Writing with AP information

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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