Felipe VI underlined the importance and responsibility of the media in the awards ceremony

MADRID.- The king Felipe VI He highlighted the value of the press, which, in addition to the supreme value of information, also pursues a higher good that invites thought and reflection, awakens consciences and, from the knowledge of what is happening, helps to better understand the world. This was stated by the monarch during the 104th edition of the awards Cavia, Luca de Tena and Mingote, granted by the newspaper ABCwhich, on this occasion, went to filmmaker Rodrigo Corts, the legendary TVE correspondent Rosa Mara Calaf and AFP agency photographer Said Khatib.

The jury, chaired by the director of the RAE (Royal Spanish Academy), Santiago Muñoz Machado, was made up of Pepa Bueno, Joaquín Manso, Mar Domínguez, José Miguel Santamara and Julín Quirs.

The King highlighted the immense talent of the winners who, with their style and criteria, have demonstrated literary quality, analytical lucidity, intellectual curiosity, journalistic acumen and, ultimately, a passion for reporting on things that happen.

Felipe VI recognizes the winners

Felipe VI stressed the importance and responsibility of the media communication in a panorama that, with the digital revolution of the 21st century, has expanded exponentially with the emergence of new formats and also new actors.

“He defended the remarkable capacity of the media to adapt and, in particular, the validity of what is known as the mainstream press, which has been able to respond to each sociological stage, to the technology of the moment and to the different historical and professional vicissitudes,” said the Spanish king.

Regarding the film director Rodrigo Corts, the monarch said that in addition to being a very talented filmmaker, he is a writer of newspapers and books who knows his trade and the responsibility that it entails with the reader. “Every day, he develops in the Verbolario de ABC“A wonderful parallel dictionary that, through a fun, ironic and overflowing creativity, always invites you to think about the other side of words, instantly provoking a spark of alertness that, when it does not end in a thought, ends with a smile,” said the monarch.

Regarding the former correspondent, Felipe VI recalled that this is not the first time he has had the honour of presenting the award to a pioneer of Spanish reporting of her generation. “An undisputed reference in the world of journalism, she has always defended the maxim that information must be at the service of the facts and not the other way around,” he said of Calaf.

The monarch, for his part, said that Said Khatib’s photographs once again remind us of the infinite power of an image; the lasting message it conveys, which goes far beyond that specific moment, that second, in which he was able to capture the lives of five people. He emphasised this about the award-winning photo which reflects the difficult moment in which a family drives through the centre of Rafah, half-destroyed by the war.

FUENTE: Europa Press

Tarun Kumar

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