A large fire occurred at night on Thursday, January 19, in the surroundings of the San Martin Plaza, while the so-called march was taking place ‘Taking of Lima’. The incident threatened to spread, but the quick action of the firefighters prevented it.

LOOK: Fire in downtown Lima: firefighters are attacked by protesters

The detachment of a part of the structure of the house was generated by the flames, in addition to the fact that the house was built of thatch and wood, highly flammable materials.

At the time of the collapse there were no pedestrians or vehicles nearby, since the firefighters evacuated the curious and only allowed the entry of people who lived near the accident.

READ ALSO: Center of Lima: firefighters control fire near Plaza San Martín during the Takeover of Lima

The facade of the house collapses after the fire

It should be remembered that around 25 Firefighters units are responding to the emergency at the junction of the Carabaya street with the Lino Cornejo street.

The owner of the building where the fire originated, indicated that the fire would have started due to the responsibility of the Police before the launch of tear gas bombs and pellets.

Witnesses claim that the fire It started on the roof of the building. The General Commander of the General Fire Department pointed out that the place was used for offices and warehouses and there were no people inside.

Center of Lima: Big fire near Plaza San Martín
A large fire broke out on the night of this Thursday, January 19, in a building on Jirón Contumazá, block 9, in downtown Lima.

The taking of Lima

The ‘Taking of Lima’ It was a demonstration that brought together thousands of people who came from different parts of the country, especially Puno and Cusco, to demand the resignation of President Dina Boluarte, the closure of Congress, and the immediate call for new general elections.

The event began peacefully in the morning, but by late afternoon violent clashes with the Police began on Abancay Avenue, in the Cercado de Lima. Later, the demonstrators reached Kennedy Park, where they were repelled by tear gas bombs and finally arrived at Larcomar, where the protest became more peaceful.

In addition to Miraflores and the Cercado de Lima, San Isidro was another of the scenes where violence was recorded between the forces of order and the protesters.

On the other hand, various media such as ATV, América Televisión and Panamericana Televisión denounced that the protesters attacked their reporters.

After nine at night, President Dina Boluarte went out to give a Message to the Nation where she made it clear that she was not going to resign, in addition to condemning the violence during the marches throughout Peru.



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