Food is the starting point and exercise, the first point of support. Rest and stress control continue in the same vein, so if we combine two essential grips in the same practice and add it to a basic balanced diet, we will multiply our chances of success. The objective? A firm, strong and flat stomach. Time frame it can take to reach 2 points: weeks/months, just in time for summer.

Yoga, as a sport, helps you stay healthy, but it has its own characteristic that sets it apart from others: breath control. The first thing mental health experts recommend when it comes to staying calm is to breathe.

Standing up and doing it in a conscious and controlled way helps reduce anxiety and stress levels, one of the great enemies of localized fat loss. Today in The Truth News We present you the four yoga postures for a firm abdomen.

Four postures for a flat stomach

As we execute the breaths, we can advance one more step in the objective. Diaphragmatic breathing is the most suitable. Inhale and notice that your belly expands and exhale contracting it in such a way that your navel seeks to get closer to the spine. You will get a greater connection with the transversus abdominis and eat, therefore, greater toning in the area so that the stomach does not hang. If we add asanas designed specifically for core work to this technique, don’t you think it’s possible to have a flat stomach this summer?

By itself, the posture concentrates all the force in the core, but if you add the breaths that we mentioned before, the exercise will be infinitely more effective in achieving our goal of a toned belly.

  • Navasana or boat pose

Like the previous one, you must hold the pose for at least five breaths. If your level is advanced, keep your legs stretched out forming a V with your body. Otherwise, you can bend your knees and let your calves stay parallel to the ground.


Like its classic namesake, it works the core, but focuses on the oblique muscles of the abdomen, so it can help you slim down your waist. If you want to add a point of demand to the exercise, raise the hip to the sky with each exhalation.

  • Parighasana or bolt pose

On your knees, stretch one leg out to the side with arms raised to the sky, join hands, and as you exhale, tilt your arms to the side of the stretched leg. Hold the pose for 5 breaths on each side.

It might interest you: Jivamukti yoga, the dynamic style that will hook you to yoga

What is yoga for?

Yoga is a practice that connects the body with the breath and the mind. This practice uses physical postures, breathing exercises and meditation to improve general health. Yoga developed as a spiritual practice thousands of years ago. Today most people in the West do yoga for exercise and to reduce stress.

Some of the benefits of yoga are:

In addition to the fact that yoga can improve general fitness level and improve posture and flexibility it can also: lower blood pressure and heart rate, help you relax, improve self-confidence, reduce stress, improve coordination , improves concentration, helps sleep better and aids digestion.

Remember to visit the Style and Life section for more exercise routines and many other topics.

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