First verified arrests for demonstrating in Cuba

MADRID.- After the wave of civil protests on March 17 in Cuba Against the blackouts, the economic crisis, the shortages and the lack of freedom, a series of arbitrary and violent arrests were recorded by the dictatorship against the protesters.

The Cubalex organization verified some arrests compiled in a first assessment of the events through his Facebook account:

  • Leandro Tamayo: violently detained on March 17 in Bayamo. His whereabouts are unknown.
  • Raúl, a friend of Leandro Tamayo, was also arrested in the same city.
  • Orisel García: violently detained on March 18 in El Cobre, Santiago de Cuba.
  • Another young man from the town is also detained.
  • Karel Artiles: detained in El Cobre, Santiago de Cuba.

The platform also reported that there are several protesters in forced disappearance. Just as he specified that during the protests, military and police presence was deployed in several cities in the country, including: Guantánamo, Camagüey, Bayamo, Santiago de Cuba, Cienfuegos, Artemisa and Pinar del Río. In addition, internet outages were recorded in the protest areas, review CubaNet

Embed – Cubalex – After the protests of this #17M,…

Surveillance and threats to activists

  • René Ronco Machín (Havana), Serguey Pozo, Alexander Fábregas and Mariam Prieto (Santa Clara) were besieged.
  • Dagoberto Valdés was summoned by State Security in Pinar del Río.
  • Jose Rolando Casares and Marta Perdomo reported surveillance in Pinar del Río and San José de las Lajas, respectively.
  • The expressed politician Ienelis Delgado (Camagüey) and the activist Yamilka Lafita (Havana) received threats from State Security.
  • Yoannis Beltrán Gamboa (Guantánamo) reported surveillance and threats after being detained on Sunday.

The protests of 17M

This Sunday, March 17, Santiago de Cuba took to the streets to ask for “Current and food.” Leaders of the Communist Party tried, from the roof of a house, to appease the protests of Cubans who were demanding their rights and something as basic as food.

Dozens of Bayamese also marched through various arteries of the city in the afternoon of that day after the demonstration that took place in Santiago de Cuba, and energetically shouted “Freedom!” and “Down with the dictatorship!” They walked through the streets of the city alongside a strong police presence and thus showed their dissatisfaction with a situation that has led them to exhaustion.

In Santa Marta, for its part, a Matanzas town located at the entrance to Varadero, a live broadcast showed how the residents of the place paraded along the main road in the dark, to the rhythm of a loud playing of cauldrons.

This Monday, some protests were registered again, such as the one that occurred in the “José Martí” district of Santiago de Cuba. The demonstration was quelled by black berets; but it is a reflection that the flame of the Cuban people continues to burn.

Source: REDACCIÓN/CubaNet

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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