• Rapid aging: This Warning signals you should know
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Aging healthy and preferably slowly – that’s what many people want. Sometimes he walks aging process However, it is progressing faster than intended and some people appear much older than they actually are compared to others at their age. There are some signs that a aging too fast signal. These can show up both internally and externally.

#1 Dry skin

For dry skin, the natural moisture and fat regulation of the skin disturbed, like that Online health portal NetDoctor explained. Normally, the sebaceous and sweat glands continuously produce a mixture of water and fat that ensures smooth skin. With increasing age, already from the age of 40, the moisture content of the skin decreases and it binds less and less moisture. The sweat glands also produce less and less sweat. The Result: The skin becomes brittle and rough. In extreme cases, even cracks or eczema form. Dry skin can be the result of cold, malnutrition or the biological aging process. If none of these aspects apply and you still suffer from chronic dry skin, it can, according to the health portal 24Vita be a sign of aging too quickly.

If nothing helps against dry skin, you should NetDoctor according to but still prefer one doctor or a doctor visit. Because dry skin, which does not improve even after applying lotion, or which appears suddenly and is possibly reddened, can also signs of disease be.

#2 Declining grip strength

“Loss of strength in the hand indicates that muscle weakness and old age threaten,” explains the geriatrician Avan Aihie Sayer from the University of Southampton to the Süddeutsche Zeitung (SZ). Those who have little strength in their fingers and forearms are threatened early frailty, illness and even cognitive decline. “The strength in the hand and forearm still builds up in adulthood and is strongest at the age of 30 or 40,” explains Nadia Steiber from the University of Vienna SZ. If your grip strength is below the average age, go independence lost early and the mobility will be restricted.

So if you notice at a young age that your grip strength is decreasing, this can be a sign of rapid aging. Then you shouldn’t just rely on hand training: “This does not improve the overall state of health, it takes it regular exercise and balanced nutrition“, explains Steiber. An active and healthy lifestyle would also be reflected in improved grip strength.

#3 Sleep Disorders

Also a disturbed sleep rhythm can a premature aging be. scientists Project “Insomnia” in the Berlin research network “Autonomy despite multimorbidity in old age” (AMA) found that Sleep disorders reduce physical performance can accelerate. During sleep, damaged cells are repaired and our immune system is strengthened, which is particularly important for our health. If we don’t get enough sleep, it can make us more susceptible to diseases.

Avoiding stress, unhealthy diets, alcohol, too much caffeine and spending too much time in front of the screen is therefore important for a good night’s sleep.

#4 Poor balance

A research team has foundthat people who appear older compared to their peers, often typical characteristics of older people exhibit. Based on various physical examinations, the scientists have identified people with a biological age assigned. The persons who as biologically old were classified, showed signs such as a bad coordination and balancebut also the cognitive abilities were comparatively poor. The high biological age is often also visible on the outside.

The study is the image of science according to a proof that aging processes by checking certain biomarkers capture objectively permit. The researchers would aim to already to apply the lever during the aging process and not only that Follow – such as cancer or cardiovascular diseases fight. “As we get older, our risk of all kinds of diseases increases,” says Dan Belsky of Duke University. “Therefore, to prevent them, you have to do this Fight aging yourself.”

#5 Slowed walking speed

People who go faster, age more slowly. To this The results come from scientists at Duke University in the US. “Physicians know that slow-walkers in their 70s and 80s often die earlier than faster-walkers of the same age,” Terrie E. Moffitt, one of the project’s authors, told the Business Insider. “But for this study we have them Age range from kindergarten to middle age examined and found that walking slowly was a warning sign decades before old age represents.”

‘Cause people who walk slower mentally age faster, have on average a lower IQ and poorer cognitive abilities. Also physically They were in worse shape than the faster paced comparison group: their lungs, teeth and immune system were in worse shape. With more sport and targeted training of the leg muscles but this can be counteracted.

View book tip on Amazon: Am I old already – or will it be again?: Getting older for the inexperienced

How fast we age externally depends on ours genes and ours Environment also significantly of ours Behave away. “Aging never affects just one organ, the entire organism is always aging. So external changes are related to the whole aging process together and can be an indication of the condition of our body,” explains Martin Denzel Max Planck Institute for the Biology of Ageing opposite of German press agency. Feed us for example too greasy, smoke, drink alcohol or spend too much time in the sun, which triggers biological stress in the body. This leads to so-called molecular damage, for example in DNA. While young bodies can quickly repair this damage, an older body is less and less able to do so.

“Aging means that the body is less and less able to deal with stress. DNA mutations therefore accumulate in the body’s cells Organs fail more easily or tumors arise,” explains Denzel Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health A study published by the University of Southern Denmark found that Smoking and heavy alcohol consumption can cause outward signs of aging. A healthy lifestyle contributes to the fact that one can at least temporarily fulfill the wish to be (optically) young forever.

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