78% of Colombians still seem to be somewhat resistant to buying these assets, but the vast majority maintain that they do not do so because they are unaware of the process or simply because they do not know how to use them.

In Colombia, the growth of the market for digital currencies and every day the use of this type of assets increases. In fact, despite the fact that the industry presented a downward trend the previous year, which became known as the crypto-winter2023 is projected with better indicators, especially in the increase in new users and the largest number of operations.

This panorama is also positive in the rest of Latin Americawhere these transactions grew 63% in 2022 compared to 2021.

These figures are disclosed in the Mastercard New Payments Index 2022which indicates that 15% of Colombians during 2022 made some purchase with cryptos: 82% for investment purposes and 18% for the purpose of protecting against inflation and the devaluation of the peso. According to the report, 61% purchased these digital assets through exchange houses and 39% through other people and without intermediaries.

Although this is still a young market and has good growth potential – 12% of citizens indicated that they are curious about investing in these currencies, there are still doubts that directly impact the industry, not only because of the ignorance that persists among the people, but because of the distrust that is generated as a result of the recent events related to scams or mismanagement. In fact, 78% of Colombians still seem to be somewhat resistant to buying these assets, but the vast majority maintain that they do not do so because they are unaware of the process or simply because they do not know how to use them.

Beyond the indicators, the truth is that fear and uncertainty generate more and more doubts about one of the investments that, according to experts, is one of the best financial decisions What could it take one person this year to generate cost effectiveness in the long term or simply to protect against inflation and the devaluation of the peso. However, the key is to do it safely to avoid losing money.

If you are interested in entering this industry, but you do not want to fall victim to scammers, it is necessary to put into practice five tips that the country manager of CryptoMarket in Colombia, Andres Gomez.

The first is to create strong passwords. “Never share them and always use two-step authentication to log in,” she said.

In addition, it is necessary to be suspicious of offers with “guaranteed profitability” either “0% risk”.

“Keep in mind that investing in cryptocurrencies has a risk associated with the volatility of the asset. As in any other type of investment, no one can guarantee a return, and if someone tells you otherwise, it is very likely that it is a scam,” said Gómez.

should be avoided intermediaries and better use the platforms directly without the involvement of third parties. According to Gómez, it is key not to share the photo or the identification document with other people.

Andrés Gómez, country manager of CryptoMarket in Colombia.
Andrés Gómez, country manager of CryptoMarket in Colombia.

As a fourth piece of advice, he says that it is essential to always choose secure connections.

“Avoid connecting from a public network, as it does not have the greatest security. To do operations with cryptocurrencies, always prefer your own network ”, he assured.

In addition, it is necessary to be careful with the phishing. For this, it is necessary to maximize the precautions when opening and clicking on certain emails or advertisements that appear on the Web.

“Many people create cloned pages of other legitimate ones to try to trick and access the data and passwords of users who have cryptocurrencies. Be careful, a warned soldier does not die in war,” said Gómez.

Finally, he said that it is necessary to keep in mind that if you do not want to fall into the hands of the scammers should pay attention to the reliability of the platform exchange chosen, take care of the keys and passwordsdo not access external links or share the personal information.

He recalled that a legal platform will never ask for personal information via email either WhatsAppwill not promise returns and, therefore, before any of these signs, it is best to take care of yourself and be alert.


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