Four immigrants arrested for attacking police officers

The New York Police Department reports a recent incident at the Roosevelt Hotel where two officers were attacked by a group of immigrants.

According to authorities, the two agents were attacked while trying to break up a dispute inside the hotel, which is a shelter for immigrants seeking asylum.

“I don’t think it’s very good to attack the police or anything, because they are the ones who put order,” said Gustavo Cardona, who works in the sector.

According to a report provided by the Police, on May 19 two officers entered the Roosevelt Hotel in Midtown, which operates as a shelter for immigrants, in order to break up a dispute. The report says the two officers were surrounded by a group of shelter residents and physically attacked.

One was bitten on his left arm and also suffered a bruise on his left leg, while the other officer suffered injuries to his head, elbow and right wrist. The report indicates that in the midst of the commotion, his cap was also stolen.

Both were taken to a hospital in stable condition and the four people, including a woman, were arrested and charged with charges including assault, obstruction of government administrative charges and attempted robbery in the hat case. All of them already had judicial records.

People in the area reacted to the case:

“We all come here looking for new opportunities, but it is very necessary that we become aware and do things as they tell us. We come here blindfolded regarding many things because we do not know the laws, suddenly in our countries it works differently, but I say that we should do it the way it is here,” says Gustavo Gordillo who works in the sector.

“Unfortunately, over the last two years, we have gone through some difficulties. I feel that the government, the state and the president should pay more attention to make sure that the police can do their job and not suffer as many consequences,” said Nancy Soto who works in the sector.

According to the uniformed officer, the four people involved in this new assault on the police were released on parole and without bail by a judge.

Last month, another group of immigrants recently arrived in the city assaulted an officer after being caught shoplifting from a chain store on the Upper East Side.

In February, several police officers were also assaulted at the Randall’s Island asylum seeker shelter, and in January, a group of immigrants assaulted two officers in Times Square outside another shelter for this population.


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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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