Frank Cuesta explodes against a streamer for relating him to Cristina Segu: Leave the donuts

In the same way that the flapping of a butterfly’s wings can cause a hurricane on the other side of the world, a comment from Frank Cuesta from Thailand is capable of unleashing a media earthquake in Spain. There are many times that the adventurer has gotten into trouble for expressing what he thinks without filters, from his political positions to criticism of the world of content creators. This time it has exploded against a profile of Cristina Segu.

It all started when a user asked if the two were together: Hey, someone confirm if Cristina Segu and Frank de la Jungla are together because it would be the couple that disgusts me the most in history. The person in charge of answering was a certain little princess1331, a follower of the curious person who raised the question, who did not hesitate to take for granted what he thought: From what I understand I know that they are together. This was seen by Frank Cuesta, who wanted to deny it and ended up starting a serious discussion: From what I understand, you suck it for five euros, but you know, from what I understand.

Start running and put down the donuts

The crudeness of the comment unleashed a response from the streamer, who called her intervention sexist. Imagine the level of misogyny you must have to call a 20-year-old girl a whore when you are 50 because you were stung by a rude comment while responding to a friend.he wrote, and then sentenced: Social networks are too big for you. A fired-up Cuesta responded to this comment again, with identical harshness.

I don’t hate women, not even you… but Subnormals like you who throw stones and then become feminist victims disgust me… apart from the fact that YOUR FRIEND has called drug trafficker to a woman who spent seven years in prison and then got out without chargescounterargued the adventurer, who culminated by turning the streamer’s sentence around: what is too big for you is not exactly the clothes… start running and leave the donuts!!!

You take advantage of what is misginous

A while later, Cuesta erased the posts in which he attacked the streamer and, returning to the debate that started it all, he has finally denied that he is dating Segu. The day you have a romantic relationship will be known instantly! At the moment here I am… proposals are acceptedhas settled.

To finish closing the matter, he made a live broadcast on his Twitch channel, where it seemed like he was going to bury the hatchet. And the truth is that no. A fat, ugly subnormal with three kilos of makeup comes to get into my private life and then say oh, I’m 20 years old and you’re 50, how immature. I don’t give a shit if you think I’m mature or immature.he has asserted.

There was even more gunpowder missing in the live show. And the ones that come, oh, it could be your daughter. No, it can’t be my daughter. First, she He won’t be on social media getting into people’s personal lives.. Second, I won’t be wearing three kilos of makeup. Third, dress differently, with suitable sizes. And a quarter, does a lot of sporthe said, consecrating his explosion.

And then, to finish, he has finished bursting: You are some stupid whores who take advantage of the fact that everything is misgynous and machismo. If you attack me, I defend myself. But his reply, far from stagnating in response, has been the seed of a new media earthquake. Amen to that condition that it shares with the flutter of butterflies.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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