AI and sensor technology company Iveda is rolling out its smart city technology in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, using AI analytics, sensor arrays and video surveillance to enhance connectivity and improve services. In the $1.5 million project, Iveda will introduce its suite of smart city technologies, including IvedaSPS (smart power system) and IvedaPinpoint (location-based trackers and smart sensors), in a centralized platform called Utilus. The platform integrates into existing city infrastructure, especially light poles, for easy deployment.

“All modern cities in the world have electrified light poles,” the company said. “Iveda just takes the power that’s available and equips it with Utilus. Utilus consists of intelligent power management and a wireless mesh communication network with Wi-Fi, 4G and 5G small cell capabilities and other required wireless protocols.” Once established, Utilus “smart poles” can communicate with each other to create an overall network where city officials can monitor and manage local devices such as water meters, valves and circuit breakers in real time. It also acts as a microgrid, powering mission-critical infrastructure when needed.

The Utilus system is also equipped with a battery storage system for continuous operation. According to Iveda, Utilus could help cities like Kaohsiung tackle a range of everyday challenges, from charging electric vehicles to managing traffic and potential hazards to residents.

“As we move into 2023, we see more cities leaning towards the rapid development of artificial intelligence, IoT and smart city technologies,” said David Ly, CEO of Iveda. “Automation is the way of the future, and Iveda’s Utilus smart poles provide the foundation for the physical infrastructure necessary to deploy key smart city functions.

“Combining smart street light poles with multiple functional benefits will open the door to safer, sustainable modern development and construction in our cities and communities. As a supplier to Utilus, Iveda puts Kaohsiung at the forefront of true smart city innovation , they will become a national and even global display platform.”


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