Get to know the energy and regulating foods that you should include in your diet

These groups are not only key to maintaining a balanced diet, but also perform specific functions. in the functioning of the human body.

For example, contribute to the health of the immune system and promote efficient digestion, helping to prevent constipation.

In addition, they keep the skin well hydrated and promote healthy nail and hair growth. This is because these foods contain an abundance of vitamins, minerals and fiber.

If you want to generate a personalized feeding program, it is advisable to consult with a health professional. Avoid inconvenience by going to a doctor or nutritionist to study your case.

While in the vegetables mention carrot, tomato, beetroot, broccoli, zucchini, paprika, lettuce and spinach.

In addition, among those mentioned on the ‘Kibo Foods’ page are also the legumes such as beans, peas, chickpeas, broad beans and lentils, since they have a high content of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals (calcium, iron, zinc).

Sugars and processed carbohydrates provide instant energy, however, grains, legumes and whole foods provide longer lasting energy, maintaining a good functioning in the body for a longer time.

Some of the foods mentioned by the website and the ‘WebMD’ portal are:

  • Fruits: bananas, avocados, apples, strawberries, oranges
  • Animal products: fatty fish, liver, yogurt, eggs
  • Vegetables: yams and sweet potatoes, beets, dark leafy greens
  • Grain: oats, quinoa, brown rice
  • Legumes: soy, lentils, nuts, peanut butter
  • Others: chocolate negro

However, UNICEF reminds that, for a daily diet to be nutritious
and it is complete, it is necessary to include as much as possible: fruits and vegetables, grains, milk, cheese, yogurt, eggs, meat, poultry, fish and organ meats, liver, and carbohydrates.


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