Alberto Fernández, together with Fabiola Yáñez, upon arrival in Santo Domingo, to attend the Ibero-American Summit

Depuration. The term, with tragic historical echowas used by the spokesperson for the Presidency, Gabriela Cerrutti, as a demand to Justice and journalism on a new anniversary of the 1976 Coup. The claim, with implicit claims of moral superiority, alluded to the survival of “structures” from the dictatorial past in these two fields, exclusively and seen as a whole . He also did so with mention of the City of Buenos Aires as the only geographical and period reference. The seam was visible: Justice, press, Buenos Aires. A message in tune with the hard Kirchnerism discourse that, in any case and also on March 24, returned to grinding Alberto Fernandez.

The ruling party favors its own battles even regardless of the context. The President traveled to Santo Domingo to attend the Iberoamerican Summit, and then he will fly with his entourage to Washington. In between, he awaits confirmation of the details of the postponed bilateral meeting with Joe Biden. This appointment has a special flavor for Olivos, but no one could disregard two aspects: the agenda it’s not easy -due to regional diplomatic positions and gestures linked to China and Russia- and adds the widespread government expectations due to the needs of external oxygen in the face of the delicate local economic situation.

It is a complex picture contrasts with the reductionist reading according to which Biden’s mere gesture would pave the way for greater flexibility from the IMF and a better reaction from external markets. Of course, it is a fact of interest in the fourth year of Alberto Fernández’s management, who demands every possible gesture to contain the economy. But precisely because of this, it is in reverse the permanent exercise of the intern, which further wears down the figure of the President: he travels in the midst of more hostilities from Kirchnerism and after a peak of tension with Sergio Massa.

In the Dominican Republic, in addition, Alberto Fernández will be especially attentive to the movements of his partner from Ecuador, William Lassoafter the crossings registered as a result of the case of a former official of Rafael Correaconvicted in a case for corruption, who managed to escape to Venezuela after a long season in the Argentine embassy. That diplomatic tension had another derivation: a brush with the administration of Gabriel Boric for the letter to Lasso which, incidentally, included a questioning of the Chilean justice system. Difficult to frame in mold of alliances or anger due to ideological issues.

In Buenos Aires, meanwhile, the domestic scene was repeated. La Cámpora organized its mobilization on March 24 as a demonstration of support for Cristina Fernández de Kirchner. Posters, slogans and short speech of maximum kirchnerphotos of the entire Kirchner conglomerate in the street, despite the initial care for some questioning of the internal use of the date. And there were from those ranks, a challenge and a disqualification – all very calculated yesterday – to hit the President’s plans.

Máximo Kirchner, leading the march of La Cámpora for March 24
Máximo Kirchner, leading the march of La Cámpora for March 24

The challenge was led by Máximo Kirchner. He highlighted that several times they pointed out the “issues” of the Government, spoke of attitudes claudicantclaimed and insisted with the rejection of the agreements with the IMF and, finally, he left the phrase with projection of battle in the open field: “If someone gets angry, let them get angry, we are going to elections and that society defines”. He was interpreted as a gesture of validation of the STEP -that is to say, a recognition of the President’s insistence on re-election-, although judging by previous speculations, it does not rule out a worsening of the fissure. Everything would depend on degree of insulation of the president.

The other definitions were on the lips of Andres Larroque. He went straight to the bottom of the matter, beyond hurtful phrases. He said that the re-election project it already was, that it has no sustenance. He added that the argument according to which Alberto Fernández maintains that position should not even be taken into account to ensure governance at this stage. It wouldn’t be necessary. Instead, he stressed that the central point is reaffirm CFK’s leadershipin addition to betting on some economic containment with the announcements that follow one another in the management of Massa.

To complete, the former president left her mark on Twitter. The most striking thing about the message was recreation, shocking, of a historical slogan of the fight in defense of human rights. CFK finished off his tweet like this: “Never again to the judicial corporation”.

Olivos also tried to mark the ground. Before traveling to Santo Domingo, Alberto Fernández released a video on social networks, at the same time that he reported on a shared dinner the night before last with Carlotto’s Stele. The President avoided projecting his speech on the judicial front and claimed the figure of Néstor Kirchner.

Another gesture was made by the presidential spokesperson. What has been said: she spoke of dictatorial foothills in the Justice and the media, and alluded to the insensitivity of the Buenos Aires in the dark years. It is assumed that, due to the position of the protagonist, it was an official message. She was unsuccessful if he intended to cushion the foreseeable burden of Kirchnerism. And in any case, gloomy.

Keep reading:

The disputes of the ruling party do not recognize limits and affect the most sensitive fronts: economy, security and justice
Social bad mood: fear of the effects of inflation and power outages shake the political agenda


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