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Of: Luke Einkammerer

Florian Silbereisen is having a good time during the Christmas holidays. With an Instagram video he reports to his fans. In it he encourages them with a personal message.

Passau – For many, the Christmas season is a chance to finally switch off, forget the stress of everyday life and make yourself comfortable with loved ones. Even if the preparations for Christmas Eve can get hectic at times. Pop star Florian Silbereisen (41) also spends the festive season at home, has a really good time and, after a few weeks full of appointments such as the “Advent Festival of 100,000 Lights” and the “Big Advent Singing”, well deservedly put his feet up.

“It was incredibly good”: Pop star Florian Silbereisen looks back on 2022 on Instagram

Even an A-celebrity needs to rest and that’s why Florian Silbereisen spends Christmas Eve and the holidays in his hometown of Passau. He is still in close contact with his loyal fans and greeted them with an Instagram video in which he was sitting in the attic in a relaxed manner in a hoodie and looked deeply relaxed. In the personal clip, the Schlager legend reviews 2022, for him “a crazy year”, striking optimistic tones and ringing in the Christmas Eve musically with his accordion.

“I think we could all use a little sun and light this year,” Florian Silbereisen addressed his almost 217,000 followers. “It wasn’t an easy year, but (…) the optimist, he towers over everything for me and when I think back to what great moments we were able to experience, then I actually always have a smile on my face”he looks back with emotion on the past few months.

Above all, the award-winning musician happily remembers his successful pop shows: “Wonderful, every evening I had goosebumps when we sang and celebrated together, especially after the years of the break, it was just incredibly beautiful and was incredibly good.”

Christmas: The history of the most beautiful festival

Today almost everyone associates Christmas with presents, Christmas trees, tinsel and Santa Claus. The history of the most contemplative of all festivals is made up of many different cultural aspects. For one, it is based on the birth of Jesus Christ, which has been celebrated on December 25 for centuries and was a celebratory event as far back as ancient Rome. On the other hand, Celtic and northern European customs such as the Yule festival, which focus on extravagant feasts, were also adopted. Today’s understanding of Christmas, like decorating a tree and hanging up colorful decorations, comes mainly from England and Germany.

(Source: nationalgeographic.de)

“Enchant the world”: Schlager fans touched by Florian Silbereisen’s Christmas message

“For me, Christmas Eve always really starts with your Christmas message,” says a fan about the intimate video. It has now become a tradition for Florian Silbereisen to send a message to his loyal admirers during the festive season – but his words have never sounded as personal and encouraging as they did this year. “You enchant the world,” enthuses an Instagram user, “You give me strength during this time,” does the same for her.

With such joyful words from her great idol, the holidays for Floris fans should have been particularly contemplative. While the all-rounder is just relaxing at home, new TV appearances are already on the agenda with the new Traumschiff episode “Coco Island” on December 26th. In the run-up to the big party, Florian Silbereisen also revealed what he has to eat for Christmas. Sources used: Instagram/floriansilbereisen.official, nationalgeographic.de


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