A company is sentenced to compensate a young woman who, faced with a job offer, quit her job, but was ultimately not incorporated

By iProfessional

28/04/2023 – 07,52hs

The National Civil Chamber sentenced a company to compensate a young woman who, faced with a job offer, resigned from her job, but was ultimately not incorporated into the defendant’s staff, judicial sources confirmed.

Room M of the Chamber evaluated the negotiations between the parties and the evidence provided to conclude, as occurred in first instance, that when the firm Emprendimientos Urbanos SA informed JLG that it did not need its services, the employment contract had already been signed.

Sentence was for the nominal amount that the defendant had offered to pay as salary to JLG at the beginning of 2019, when the job selection process began, plus interest and court costs.

He quit his job to enter a new one: they did not take it

The plaintiff held interviews with company executives, after which she received an email indicating the need to carry out psychotechnical studies to fulfill the job offer.

JLG carried out the studies on February 7, 2019, the following day they were brought to the attention of Emprendedores Urbanos SA and, as in an exchange of emails with the person in charge of the human resources area, their admission was agreed for March 11, 2019. , two weeks before that date, he resigned from the job he had at the time.

He quit his job to enter a new one, but in the end they did not take it: the company must pay

He quit his job to enter a new one, but in the end they did not take it: the company must pay

According to records of the case, When the young man appeared at the company offices on the agreed date, he was informed that, “for reasons of internal organization”Finally, he was not going to go to work, which gave way first to a document letter and, later, to the initiation of a claim for damages.

In answering the lawsuit, the firm maintained that the job offer letter sent to the applicant “was conditioned” on “subsequent events that did not occur” such as “the subscription and acceptance of various documents.”

In the first instance decision it was pondered that “having reached an agreement of wills externalized Through the offer made by the defendant and its consequent acceptance by the plaintiff, the contract was already concluded”.

When ratifying the sentence, the chambermaids Ricardo Li Rosi, Santiago Picasso and Carlos Calvo Costa delimited that “the acts carried out by G. in order to seal the promise of the future contractual relationship” of which the date of entry, the salary, the place of work, medical prepaid and other elements of the relationship, “illustrate an untimely and abrupt action in the frustration of the negotiations by the defendant.”


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