c etait comme un frere pour moi enrico macias rend un tendre hommage a son ami jean pierre elkabbach.jpeg

Jean-Pierre Elkabbach, the essential journalist and editorialist on the airwaves of Europe 1 and more recently of CNews, died this Tuesday, October 3, at the age of 86, announced Paris Match. Relatives of the deceased explained a few hours after this sad news the causes of his disappearance, particularly linked to a bad fall that occurred several days ago. He leaves behind his wife, Nicole Avril, as well as his daughter, the actress well known to viewers Emmanuelle Bach, the fruit of his love with Holda Trinkle. Since the announcement of his death, many personalities have paid tribute to him on social networks, both politicians who remembered their interview with him and journalists. Emmanuel Macron also took the floor to salute a “sacred monster”, and Julien Dray as well as Pascal Praud took a moment to honor his memory. This Wednesday, October 4, another good friend of Jean-Pierre Elkabbach spoke about him on the airwaves of Europe 1 and it is the singer Enrico Macias who remembered their first meeting in the 1960s .

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“He gave me a big helping hand”Enrico Macias remembers his meeting with Jean-Pierre Elkabbach in the 1960s

Enrico Macias was the guest of Céline Géraud on Europe 1 to pay tribute to his dear friend Jean-Pierre Elkabbach. The singer then remembered during their exchange their first meeting in the 1960s in Algeria. “He came as a representative of radio and television broadcasting from Constantine, Algeria. It was completely new and I met him completely by chance. I hitchhiked because I was a teacher in Châteaudun and there was no means of transportation. And so, I had to hitchhike and he, he was famous, he took me in his car”, he remembered with some emotion, and continued: “I didn’t know who he was and he didn’t know who I was, because obviously I was unknown at the time.” The two men then became friends and spent a lot of time together in Algeria. “He was like a brother to me!”affirmed the singer, and continued: “I owe him a lot. When I arrived in France, the first person I contacted was Jean-Pierre Elkabbach. And I contacted him to help me with my career.” The journalist then helped him by broadcasting his title Adieu mon pays on the airwaves, which propelled his career. “He gave me a big helping hand”he confided.

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“He was very human!”Enrico Macias reveals what man Jean-Pierre Elkabbach was in his private life

Although both men were very busy with their respective careers, they still managed to “see each other not regularly, but often”. Enrico Macias then shared what kind of man his friend was in the private sphere: “He was very human! When I had problems, he consoled me, he helped me. He was really very, very generous. What I like about Jean-Pierre Elkabbach is that he also had intelligence from the heart.”

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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