The heat pump is trendy: in 2022, more than 50 percent more devices were sold than in the previous year – the associations have a clear demand.

The energy and price crisis triggered by the gas conflict with Russia primarily had a massive impact on energy prices in Germany. Heating oil and gas were more expensive than ever in 2022. In the meantime, the situation has fortunately relaxed a little. Heating oil prices have been flying low since January 1st and gas prices have also leveled off at pre-war levels. Despite this, the energy crisis has had a rethink further fueled. Away from classic fuels such as heating oil and rely on new technologies instead.

Heat pump in Germany: That’s why the technology has a catch

One of the best-known alternatives to gas or oil heating is the heat pump. In contrast to classic fuel heating, it requires neither heating oil nor gas and can be operated with electricity from the solar system. There is also an attractive government subsidy for heat pumps of up to 40 percent. Consumers with an old gas or oil heating system can also benefit from the heating exchange bonus. In any case, in 2022 the funding has probably borne fruit. the heat pumpIndustry has a record year.

In 2022, 53 percent more heat pumps were sold than in the previous year, reports the Federal Association of the German Heating Industry (BDH) in a statement. This makes the heat pump the fastest growing technology in the entire German heating market. In absolute numbers, 236,000 were born in Germany in 2022 heat pumps placed on the market. “German manufacturers are investing massively in expanding production capacities for heat pumps,” says BDH President Jan Brockmann.

Record year for heat pumps: 500,000 devices per year from 2024 – what an expert says about it

The traffic light coalition under Chancellor Olaf Scholz will certainly be happy about the number. After all, the federal government has focused heavily on the heat pump focused as a new technology. From 2024, 500,000 new heat pumps are to be installed each year. The figures from 2022 make us confident here. In the communication, however, the BDH formulates a clear demand for politicians. Further supporting measures along the entire value chain are necessary. The focus should also be on production capacities.

The BDH says: “Only with a comprehensive product portfolio can the goals of the heating transition be implemented in an affordable way for households and the acceptance of the climate and heating transition will remain in the population.” Support comes from the Bundesverband Wärmepumpe e. V (bwp). Here, too, one hopes for more government support. “The target of 500,000 devices is ambitious – but achievable,” says bwp CEO Paul Waning. But after the 53 percent in 2022, you need similar rates of increase in the following years.

Making heat pumps even more attractive for consumers: bwp has made these demands

In order to achieve the increase, consumer demand will continue to be important in the future, summarizes bwp Managing Director Martin Sabel. “We have clear expectations of politicians, the framework conditions for heat pumps continue to improve over the next few months.” The bwp has summarized these expectations in a series of demands made of politicians. Essentially, this involves legal security and falling electricity costs. The demands at a glance:

  • The planned amendment to the Building Energy Act (GEG) must be approved
  • More planning security for industry and consumers
  • The electricity price should be further relieved
  • The bwp calls for the reduction of value added tax and electricity tax

Sabel finds clear words about the demands and expectations: “The industry now expects a speedy implementation of the new regulations already publicly announced by the traffic light coalition.” In addition, consumers must quickly get a clear orientation. Switching from gas or oil heating to one heat pump must be profitable for them. From Sabel’s point of view, the development of electricity prices in Germany can be an obstacle. These also increased continuously during the energy crisis.


Relieving consumers with a heat pump: lowering the price of electricity – that’s what the idea is all about

Only a few weeks ago, a large energy provider in Germany had one – from Sabel’s point of view, such developments must be counteracted. The bwp is therefore proposing a reduction in value added tax for electricity to seven percent and a reduction in electricity tax to the minimum of 0.1 cents per kilowatt hour (kWh) permitted under European law. “It’s completely incomprehensible. Why is the VAT for the climate-damaging natural gas is reduced – but the increasingly green electricity for operating a heat pump is not?”

Added to this are the costs for a new heat pump for consumers. Compared to a classic gas or oil heating system, the heat pump is significantly more expensive to buy. Depending on the model, around 15,000 euros for an air and up to 30,000 euros for a geothermal heat pump. In view of the gas and electricity price premium, gas heating is even cheaper. The catch on the heat pump: The costs amortize over the course of use. By lowering the electricity tax, the bwp wants to lower this inhibition threshold.

heating Costs in EUR

oil heating

from about 8,000

gas heating

from about 7,000

heat pump

from about 15,000

Wood or pellet heating

from about 10,000

district heating

from about 5,000

“How is that supposed to work?” – Twitter user criticizes the bwp plans for heat pumps

Some users on Facebook and Twitter are critical of the project. In the future everything should come with you electricity run, comments a Twitter user. And further: “The heat pump, industrial production, traffic – everything is to be electrified. So we need four to five times as much electricity as we do today! How is that supposed to work and how do we compensate for dark doldrums?” Other users would also have liked to see figures on other regenerative heat generators in this evaluation – this includes pellet heating, for example.

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