Hogwarts Legacy is an almost perfect game. Here are the 5 things that could have made it even better!

Since February 7, the video game world has been boiling like a Wiggenweld potion in its pot. In question, the output ofHogwarts Legacythe adventure game Harry Potter which made everyone agree (or almost). Between the secrets to discover, the perilous missions and the free exploration by broomstick, we no longer count our hours spent on the game… which however is not free from faults. Here are the 5 things we would have loved to see in Hogwarts Legacy (and which could see the light of day in its sequel!).

Where’s Quidditch?

Players are warned from the outset: Quidditch has been banned at Hogwarts this year by the headmaster of the school. Only broom races and flying lessons are allowed. This comes to justify in the narration the fact that Portkey Games and Avalanche did not integrate Quidditch as a gameplay in its own right. For what ? Nobody knows.

From the first days after the release ofHogwarts Legacy, it was one of the most frequently made complaints. Still, the sporting discipline would have been a great addition allowing players to take part in more ambitious competitions than what is currently on offer. Plus, with access to a broom AND the Quidditch pitch, the urge to catch the snitch can only be felt.

A multiplayer/co-op mode

It seems obvious and we are not the first to say it: Hogwarts Legacy sorely lacking in game modes more open to other players. Whether it’s pure multiplayer or cooperation, social contact with other gamers online or locally is an aspect that would have integrated perfectly into the game world. For coop, the idea of ​​facing the dangers adventure or exploring the castle and its surroundings together is more than enticing (a little help is never too much).

As for multiplayer, we can already think of some very interesting competitive modes. We can for example imagine duels with a stick, in a fighting game style with a world ranking, but also broom or hippogriff races. Even the smallest of ideas would have been welcomed; see you in the second opus?

© Portkey Games

Friendships that move you forward

In Hogwarts Legacy, the developers have integrated what they call “relationship quests”. By doing a favor for a non-player character, you grow your network and get to know more characters. A nice idea on paper, but which has no impact in the game! We would have greatly appreciated being able to forge more or less strong bonds with the characters of our choice, and that a friendship system could ultimately decide which allies we will have by our side for the final fight.

Currently, none of the interactions you will have will change your allies, your enemies, or even the slightest bit of the course of your adventure. Sure, imagining a fully-customizable adventure with narrative choices and multiple scenarios would have been the all-rounder, but far too ambitious given the size of the universe and the things to do. We are already very happy with all the missions assigned to us.

More customization

One of the strengths ofHogwarts Legacy is to be able to create our own wizard and thus really appropriate the adventure of the game. If everything is almost perfectly executed at the visual level, however, we would not have said no to some additional customization options. Our first criticism concerns the build. It is impossible to date to influence the size of our character.

It is also a shame to offer a whole range of predefined faces and not to be able to modify any of them in depth. Even Cyberpunk 2077 offered more physical customization based on sliders and individual traits even though it was impossible once in game to contemplate your hero. The work in Hogwarts Legacy is quite satisfactory for a first, but would have deserved to go even further.

Screenshot of the Hogwarts Legacy character customization menu
© Warner Bros. Games / Autodesk

Hogwarts House Wars

In Hogwarts Legacyand the world ofHarry Potter in general, the “choice” of his house is extremely important. A real engine of passionate discussion, everyone has their own argument to defend Hufflepuff, Slytherin, Gryffindor or Ravenclaw. And yet, Hogwarts Legacy does not integrate what could have materialized this debate. Unlike the movies and the books, house warfare is completely secondary in the game which is a real shame.

At the bend of a corridor, it is possible to see the 4 hourglasses of the houses, and the teachers continue to award points to the students throughout the year. But this has no real impact on the number of points. In solo, one could have imagined a general scale based on all the virtuous or not possible actions in play, with a final score granted to each player according to his choices to him which would make win or not the cup of the end of the year.

To go even further, and go hand in hand with an online mode, we could perhaps even take advantage of an overall ranking based on the choices and actions of each player in proportion to the number of people per house. For this, it would therefore be necessary to establish a strict and limited duration of competition, or even to organize several competitions between several clans of the same number of players per house.


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