Tuesday, January 10, 2023 | 10:42 a.m.

Almost at the end of 2022, the Government released the list with all the holidays agreed for this year. In total there are 19 holidays, of which 14 are immovable, 2 transferable and 3 for tourist purposes.

What is the first holiday of 2023?

Monday, February 20 and 21, will be a bridge holiday, so a four-day weekend will be formed that, as usual, will generate a lot of tourist and commercial movement in Argentina.

Holidays in Argentina for 2023

  • February 20 and 21 (Carnival Holidays).
  • March 24 (National Day of Memory for Truth and Justice).
  • April 2 (Veteran’s Day and those of the Fallen in the Malvinas War).
  • April 7 (Good Friday).
  • May 1 (Labor Day).
  • May 25 (Day of the May Revolution).
  • June 17 (Step to Immortality of General Don Martín Miguel de Güemes).
  • June 20 (Step to Immortality of General Manuel Belgrano).
  • July 9 (Independence Day).
  • November 20 (National Sovereignty Day).
  • December 8 (Day of the Immaculate Conception of Mary).
  • 25th December, Christmas).

Transferable holidays of 2023 in Argentina

  • August 17 (Step to the Immortality of General José de San Martín): it will be held on Monday, August 21.
  • October 12 (Day of Respect for Cultural Diversity): will be celebrated on Monday, October 16.

What are the holidays for tourism purposes in 2023?

  • Friday May 26: bridge with the holiday of Thursday May 25, Day of the May Revolution.
  • Monday June 19: bridge with Tuesday June 20, holiday for the Passage to Immortality of General Manuel Belgrano.
  • Friday, October 13: it is a holiday to achieve a four-day long weekend, due to the transfer of the holiday from October 12 (Day of Respect for Cultural Diversity) to Monday, October 16.

Holidays 2023: how many long weekends will there be

  • From Saturday February 18 to Tuesday February 21.
  • From Thursday 25 to Sunday 28 May.
  • From Saturday 17 to Tuesday 20 June.
  • From Friday 13 to Monday 16 October.


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