You are currently viewing Hoshi: this homophobic attack which almost left her "disfigured"

Singer Hoshi constantly faces homophobia and attacks. In an Instagram post from January 2023, she confided having lost 10 kilos, and even had attacks of Ménière’s disease, i.e. dizziness accompanied by hearing loss. She also underwent a forced coming out in 2018, after Paris Match published an interview with the young woman. On numerous occasions, she has spoken about her fight, in the columns of several magazines, but also in music, notably in her title Censored lovereleased in 2020. The same year, at the Victoires de la Musique, the artist kissed one of his dancers at the end of his performance. “I received thousands of death threats. I filed a complaint, it’s the story of my life”Hoshi testified at the microphone of the show Anne Roumanoff – It feels good of Europe 1, following the event. Because yes, she already had to file a complaint for assault, years ago, when she was only in college. It’s on the set of Click on Canal+, this Monday, September 18, 2023, that the singer returned to this traumatic episode.

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Hoshi was ‘left for dead’ outside her grandmother’s house

In the same interview, Hoshi admitted to having even been attacked twice in her small town of Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, at this time of her life. “First by a girl from my college who thought I looked like a lesbian. the singer began. Then, she was attacked by one of this schoolgirl’s friends, who “left for dead” in front of his grandmother’s house. Following this second extremely violent event, the artist filed a complaint. Except that justice did not reach the end of things. In fact, the attacker only had one reminder of the law. “It was no use and what’s more, I saw her again every day.”clarified the young woman.

The singer looks back on this homophobic attack which almost disfigured her

In Click, it was about the first attack, the one which took place within her college, that Hoshi spoke out. “There was a girl who came, took my head and slammed it against the ground. It was winter, so there was ice. A supervisor intervened and stopped me before I ended up completely disfigured.” she said. “We live in permanent stress”, added the singer. Especially since she didn’t feel supported at all. “No one does anything.” It is because of everything she has experienced that Hoshi decided to make music and mix her fight into it. And she does it with great talent.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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