the transport company DiDi was born with the aim of providing private vehicles and taxis through apps and mobile phones, but has diversified and now drives even loans.

And it is that the company also expanded into the delivery business and later, it reached the area of ​​loans.

It was in 2021 that the DiDi Loans option arrived in Mexico, with which it can support passengers and drivers in their expenses or unplanned eventualities. The application mentions that you can request from 300 to 30,000 Mexican pesos with immediate reception.

How to apply for a DiDi loan?

How do DiDi loans work?

To request a loan in DiDi, your credit history will be investigated at the Credit Bureau.

If you are thinking of acquiring a loan in DiDi, you should know that you need to be up to date with other payments, since credit history will be a determining factor in granting you the incentive or not.

  1. To apply for the loan, follow these steps:
  2. The user (passenger or driver) can find the loan section in the main menu of the app.
  3. Enter personal and bank details, personal references and official identification (INE).
  4. You need to take a selfie that will be validated by facial recognition systems.
  5. After verifying the identity and credit history, the user will receive confirmation via email and SMS about the approved amount.
  6. When requesting it, you must choose the reason for it, amount and payment term.
  7. Upon confirmation, the user will receive a notification via email and SMS, as well as the transfer to their bank account.

It may interest you: Learn about these 5 tips to request loans and overcome your debt

How long does it take to approve a loan in DiDi?

How do DiDi loans work?

From the moment the request is made until the amount is received, a period of 24 hours elapses.

The Truth News informs that the entire process of the loan, from the moment the user applies and receives the amount in his bank account, takes less than 24 hours, on business days and once the deposit is approved, it will be reflected in minutes during banking hours,” he asserts. the company.

Users who have the DiDi loan You can choose the settlement term that best suits you, either 61 or 91 days with a monthly interest rate that will start from 5%. To facilitate payment, it can be settled through bank transfer, directly from mobile banking or in Oxxo.

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