How is AMLO’s health going? How are you doing after being reported with COVID for the third time on Sunday, April 23? Amid the misinformation, the Secretary of Health Jorge Alcocer explained that the president is doing well and is in a good situation.

that, for now, what AMLO’s health needs is restruling out other types of problems related to the heart issue.

Photo: Presidency.

How is AMLO’s health going?

“The president’s state of health is good, the infection by the SARS-CoV-2 virus was confirmed a few hours after the onset of his symptoms, as you know.”

Thus began the summary of Jorge Alcocer on AMLO’s healthwho has been recovering, said the secretary, taking paracetamol and fluids.

Photo: Galo Cañas-Cuartoscuro.

And what about COVID? The clinical picture of AMLO is similar to the symptoms reported in other cases.

You know, inflammation of the respiratory tract, fever, tiredness, the characteristic symptoms of COVID.

On the other hand, Jorge Alcocer spoke of AMLO’s clinical history and of a history of a heart attack to explain that, in general, the president has not had problems in matters of the heart.

Photo: Daniel Augusto-Cuartoscuro.

Here his words: “You know that the president has a history of having suffered a heart attack, the current evaluation on this issue is normal, in fact, blood pressure has been recorded to drop (…) Therefore, blood pressure is controlled and in good condition.

The rest of AMLO’s studies have come out ok, including one that was done on the chest, detailed Alcocer, who estimated that in a few days the president will be discharged, although for the moment what he needs is to rest.

This is the information from the Ministry of Health about AMLO and the third time he has tested positive for COVID, in the middle of a tour in Yucatan that had to be suspended precisely because of his state of health.


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