Xeneize does not stop increasing its corporate mass and La Bombonera is getting smaller and smaller. The figure to build a new court is stratospheric

By iProfessional

17/04/2023 – 09,57hs

The situation of Boca Juniors with the ability of the candy box is a recurring theme in the club’s political discussion for years and always ends in a labyrinth with no way out: the club is constantly increasing its corporate mass -already exceeded 300,000 if adherents are counted-, but at Brandsen 805, apart from occasional renovations, for now there is only room for just over 50,000 people.

The debate goes in and out of the scene and generates division in opinions. Daniel Angelici presented a project called “Bombonera 100 thousand”, the Gribaudo-Crespi formula the Slovenian Project (it was the idea of ​​the candidate José Beraldi) and Jorge Amor Ameal the Bombonera 360, although none has been carried out so far.

And a new stadium? Where? How much would it cost? How long would construction take? Its viable? All those questions are born. And in recent weeks a proposal emerged.

Jorge Reale assures that the construction of a new field should be an idea that goes through any management. And that is why he announced his project to build another stadium on Demarchi Island, in the La Boca neighborhood and as part of Comuna 4. A few meters from the historic Bombonera: only 10 blocks away.

The dimensions of the projected stadium are: 330 meters by 302 meters by 70 meters and the playing field would be 105m by 70 meters, he told the Clarín newspaper.

What would the new Boca Juniors pitch be like?

“The estimated construction time for a stadium of these characteristics is 4 years, having all the financial resources to carry it out. The idea is to double the popular ones that exist today and reach 60,000 seats, in addition to 52,000 stalls to reach to 112,000 total capacity for our partners”, explained Reale, who worked on the project with his team and an architecture studio (of Enrique Lombardi) that commissioned specialized engineers and construction experts to carry out the soil tests. In addition, 78 transmission booths and different areas with common spaces are contemplated.


The new stadium would be located 1,300 meters from the Bombonera

“The financing method will be presented in May and is based fundamentally on the advance sale of stalls, which will be 30,000 more than in the Bombonera, 4,000 ‘stage stalls’ and the garages. The sale of all this, in advance and which is granted for ten years, would give us close to the 400 million dollars that is the investment. But in addition, a “naming” will be sought for the initial injection of money for the project so that later we can advance with the pre-sale of the places ” , described Jorge Reale before Clarín.

And he expanded: “The lands belong to the National Stadium, whom we want to have as partners in this idea, also taking into account the 2030 World Cup, with a first-world stadium. The site is a peninsula, although it is called an island, and it has no zoning so a stadium can be built perfectly. What is related to the environmental impact is a study that we are doing and to present together in May.”

The place that was planned is a 12-hectare property that can be accessed by land. “The stadium will have 4,500 parking spaces, it is entered through an entrance street and an exit street from Puerto Madero. And 3 pedestrian bridges each 18 meters wide were planned. For comparison, it is very similar to that of Puente de la Woman from Madero. The idea is to connect the Bombonera with the new stadium, to park, do your previews in its surroundings and then go to the new stadium, which is 10 blocks away,” Reale said.

“La Bombonera remains standing, which is something important for me. It continues to be played there, women’s football is used, Inferior games, some game that we consider playing there in the First Division. It is viable from the moment sponsors are generated, It is a stadium where everyone will be able to be,” he added.


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