Researchers at the University of Southern California (USC), in the United States, have created a new artificial intelligence (AI) model capable of calculating the age of people’s brains. The innovation can contribute to the early diagnosis of cognitive decline in patients with neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s.

In an article published last Tuesday (2/1) in the magazine Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)scientists explain that brain aging occurs in different ways in each individual and is considered a reliable biomarker for the risk of neurodegenerative diseases.

“People age at different rates, as do the types of tissues in the body. We know this colloquially when we say, ‘So-and-so is 40, but he looks 30.’ The same idea applies to the brain. The organ of a 40-year-old can look as ‘young’ as a 30-year-old, or it can look as ‘old’ as a 60-year-old,” said one of the study’s authors, Professor Andrei Irimia, in a statement published by USC.

Artificial intelligence

The researchers analyzed magnetic resonance images (MRI) of the brains of 4,681 people diagnosed as “cognitively normal”. In some of them, cognitive decline or Alzheimer’s disease was observed years later. With this data, they created an artificial intelligence model called a “neural network” to predict the age of participants.

The network was trained to produce detailed anatomical brain maps that identify aging patterns by detecting subtle markers of brain anatomy that correlate with cognitive decline. Without technology, it would be very difficult to see the differences in the brain.

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From there, the scientists were able to compare the perceived (biological) brain ages with the actual (chronological) ages of each participant. The greater the difference between the two, the worse were the participants’ cognitive scores, which indicates risk of developing Alzheimer’s.

The researchers estimate that the model can predict chronological ages with a margin of error of 2.3 years, about one year less than what other existing standards achieve.

“The sooner we can identify people at high risk of Alzheimer’s disease, the sooner doctors can intervene with treatment options, monitoring and disease management,” says Irimia.

Aging between the sexes

The study showed that men and women age differently in certain areas. For them, aging is faster in the motor cortex, the area responsible for motor function, which could explain the higher prevalence of Parkinson’s diagnoses. For them, aging may be slower in the right hemisphere.

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