Al giorno d’oggi i chatbot realizzati traverso l’intelligence artificiale si possonore integrare un po’ dovunque, dai motori di ricerca ai servizi di assistenza online. The last frontier of this communication allows me to far interface Minecraft and ChatGPT For a ben precise scope: allow the video game makers to communicate with the mob in natural manner.

soon i machine learning systems For the test communication verranno integrati all’interno dei videogiochi ma questi sono chiaramente i primi passi nel settore. Thanks to the power of GPT-4, it is possible to render in PNG very realistic and to make sure it is not necessary to do this with the programmers: enough saper mettere in fila alcune mod e avere Minecraft Java Edition.

At the moment there are several mods to integrate Chat GPT all’interno di Minecraft: AIMobs let me say I will integrate GPT to communicate with the NPC, MCChatGPT let me say again I will use the internal system of the Minecraft chat as true and proper function.

All’intern di esta guida scopriremos insieme como utilizzare tanto AIMobs how much MCChatGPTcosì da sfruttare this powerful system for entertaining your own and stupid friends.

Vediamo in primis quali sono i requisiti da soddisfare.

Minecraft and ChatGPT: requirement

To integrate Minecraft with ChatGPT it is necessary with the following things:

  • Minecraft Java Edition: the system is not compatible with the Bedrock edition of the game
  • AT Launcher: noto launcher scaricabile free da qui
  • A key API of OpenAI: south OpenAI site It is possible to register for free and get an API Key. L’API Key per poter essere utilizzata ha bisogno di crediti, questi ultimi solitamente acquistabili tramite denaro reale. I costi, comunque, sono piuttosto derisori a menos che non si abbia un’ istanza condivisa con più persone.

How will I integrate Chat GPT in Minecraft with AiMobs and MCChatGPT

The operation of AIMobs is very simple: when the gamer starts a conversation session with the referring NPC (zombie, animal or villager that is), the mod will not be richer than ChatGPT and will copy the text of the conversation itself.

Nel fare questo la mod call GPT Chat say answer how do you find the determined mob di Minecraft, copying poi all’interno del gioco la risposta.

Il giocatore, a volta installata la mod, no deve far altro che activare la conversazione traverso la chat (press T della tastiera) or I will have premuto SHIFT and click on the mob in question.

The conversation will end only when the player writes “arrivederci/goodbye”.

The MCChatGPT function is still simple once: using a specific command in the internal chat to the game, it is possible to directly commande the notorious chatbot, directly answering it in game; This is perfect if you have received any fast information.

This is a guided procedure with everything that we are about to integrate ChatGPT all’interno di Minecraft.

  1. First of all it is necessary avviare ATLauncher e fare clic, dalla colonna destra, su Vanilla Packs
  2. From the schermata in question it is necessary to select Minecraft 1.19.3 (the mod does not work in the successive version) and select from the box loader the voice Fabric. Modify the Instance Name and the description to render the whole thing recognizable and click on it CreateInstance in the lower part of the Schermo.
  3. Facciamo click your instances della colonna di destra per trovare quella da noi appena creata. Facciamo click on the taste add mods for a new finestra
    ChatGPT In Minecraft
  4. At this point we will find the mod of our interest. We press the first menu at the top of the table to the left and selection modrinth; at this point we spostiamoci to destra scrivendo or MCChatGPT either AiMobs.
  5. Prima di installare facciamo atenzione ad installare le API corrette: per fare ciò, sotto la barra di searcher, facciamo clic sul pulsante Install Fabric API/Install Architecture API (this changes based on the mod with which we want to interact)
    ChatGPT In Minecraft
  6. In fact, almost the procedure is simple: click on it addpoi dalla finestra che si aprirà facciamo di nuovo clic su add.
  7. One turn install if the API that the Mod does not dovremo far other than click on it accounts In the colonna di destra: qui dovremo effettuare l’accesso con l’account con cui solitamente giochiamo a Minecraft. If we play using a Mojang account, we can use and compile fields on the screen, it is also necessary to click on it. Login with Microsoft.
  8. A full turn then we will return your instancesselect our istanza and click on it play.
  9. Avviato il gioco facciamo clic su Single Player/Giocatore Singolo and we believe in our new world.

I will use AIMobs in Minecraft

ChatGPT In Minecraft

Ecco thing to use AIMobs in Minecraft:

  1. One turn officially in game we press the game chat with the button you della tastiera e digitiamo /aimobs setkeyNOMECHIAVE, with the post I said NOMECHIAVE The string can be retrieved from the Open AI site.
  2. To interact with a mob now abbiamo 2 possibility: I will have to press SHIFT and click with the left hand of the mouse on the oppurate creature, I will directly use the game chat, the mob will respond all the time.
  3. To interact with the mob in question it will be necessary to write in chat goodbye or remove it.

I will use MCChatGPT in Minecraft

ChatGPT In Minecraft

Ecco thing to use MCChatGPT inside Minecraft:

  1. One turn in the game is necessary to press the game chat (press T of the tastiera) and type /mcgpt-authNOMECHIAVE, With the post of NOMECHIAVE the string can be recovered from the Open AI site.
  2. This punk is possible with the following:
  • /ask (prompt for ChatGPT): for a request to ChatGPT
  • /setcontextleve(0-3): allow me to increase the life of the information answered by the game to which ChatGPT can have references to function; Note that this function is set to level 2 or 3, it will greatly increase the consumption of tokens and will result in high costs for Open AI API.
  • /nextconversation: allow me to pass the next conversation
  • /previousconversation: allow to return to the previous conversation your ChatGPT
  • /listconversations: allow the cast to obtain all conversations during the corso della partita
  • /setconversations: allow me to return to a certain conversation with those who are present on the list


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