A few days after the Christmas holidays, it’s still the same problem. You have received gifts that you do not like: rather than letting them gather dust, you might as well resell them. You have received an object that you like: you might as well take advantage of it to resell its predecessor. Many sites like eBay or LeBonCoin exist and it is not easy to find your way around, so follow the guide!

Stack of three smartphones // Source: Frandroid

The second-hand market is booming, self-help sites and classified ads are experiencing real success. They allow some to resell objects they no longer need and for others to buy them at a lower cost. Everyone wins, especially after the Christmas holidays. If you received a device that you do not like and that you will not use, this is the right plan to recover some money, while giving it a better life. Or it’s an opportunity to resell your old model if it is still in working order…

But it’s complicated to find your way around: here are our tips for clearing your cupboards or discreetly exchanging a Christmas present that you don’t like.

Estimate the resale price

This is obviously an important point: before reselling, you have to estimate the resale price. This price depends on many parameters, such as the condition of your smartphone (or other tech product), the fact that it is still under warranty, but also its price (depending on supply and demand). To determine this, we advise you to search for classifieds of a similar product on eBay and The good cornerbut also to monitor merchant sites and other marketplaces.

Of course, if you sell your smartphone for more than its new retail price, you will need luck. Do not hesitate to specify in your ad if you are ready to negotiate and if the shipping costs are included in the sale price.

In addition, certain types of aircraft have ratings estimated by specialists. This is the case, for example, for camera bodies or lenses with theArgus photo by Image hunter.


To get the best price for its equipment, the best is still to sell it directly to another individual. We therefore advise you to first share the ad with those around you, on social networks for example..

The other solution is to turn to the classifieds and you will have the choice between the platforms. Indeed, various free applications compatible with iOS and Android are available and will allow you to follow your negotiations wherever you are.

The good corner

LeBonCoin is the must from must : a strong demand and a lot of offers. Unfortunately, it’s also the best place to get screwed. We have some tips for you to follow, which you can adopt on other classifieds sites as well.

For the title of your ad, keep it short and informative. For example : ” Samsung Galaxy S22 Black, new condition with invoice“. If you are selling a smartphone, indicate some characteristics (color, amount of storage, general condition). Give as much detail as possible without going too long. Put several photos, especially on notable elements (if you have some scratches, indicate it and take a photo of them). You really have to reassure the buyer, put yourself in their shoes.

LeBonCoin is also a benchmark for scammers of all kinds. If selling hand to hand, prefer cash. Refuse checks and instead go through payments via intermediaries (such as PayPal or instant bank transfer). Do not hesitate to inquire about the secure payment service set up by the platform.

We also advise you to create a dedicated phone number, using the Switch Number or OnOff applications for example.

Moreover, when you post an ad, it is not uncommon to then very quickly receive several “fake” messages from people claiming to be interested. Generally, the spelling is approximate and above all, you are asked to send information or photos by email, with an address provided. Never respond to this type of message, it is phishing.

Benefits :

  • It’s easy to use
  • It is a known site with high traffic


  • You have to be very vigilant against scams

You can download the dedicated application, or go through the website.


On Facebook, many groups exist for classifieds, mutual aid and the purchase, sale, exchange of devices.

You can find them easily by searching for keywords like “buy sell” + the name of your city. Once in a group, all you have to do is post your announcement and then manage the comments / private messages. Be careful to check the requests for invitations to chat in private. All this happens on Facebook Marketplace.

Benefits :

  • It’s easy to use
  • Lots of users


  • High possibilities of scams, stay vigilant!
  • No payment security, follow the advice given above

Also feel free to post on your news feed with your friendswith nice photos to accompany the ad.

You can also pass by private groupsas Hardware Sales.

Other classifieds sites

There are many other classifieds sites that lack visibility and traffic. We have nevertheless selected a few of them, such as Wallapop, Stootie (which offers the possibility of secure payment), but also the famous eBay (which has lost some of its notoriety, but which offers payment security with PayPal). Be careful though, eBay takes significant commissions if you go through their payment system, which is often mandatory to reassure buyers.


The other solution is to go through a marketplace. It is an interesting place in more ways than one: it secures payments, but you will have commissions to pay to the platforms. Rakuten (formerly PriceMinister) is somewhat of a specialist in the genre and can intervene in the event of a dispute. Note that the delays in receipt of payment are important, it is necessary to wait for the buyer to validate receipt of the product.

Amazon also allows you to resell tech products, just go to the product sheet of your item for sale then click on “Sell on Amazon”. As an individual, if you sell less than 25 products per month, the “basic” offer is sufficient.

You have several options: you can ship the product to the buyer yourself or simply send it to an Amazon fulfillment center who will ship it to the customer after they place their order. Thanks to the serviceFBA, items are eligible for free shipping under Amazon Prime. Obviously, Amazon will take its margin on the sale: on tech, around 12% commission.

Online mobile recycling

If you don’t want to break your head, recycling sites will allow you to estimate your products for sale and above all will buy them back from you. Obviously, it is less profitable than a direct sale, but you will collect your money fairly quickly with certain security. Be careful all the same, compare the estimates between several services and do not hesitate to be precise about the state of your device. You will notice that lesser known brands in France are not always taken into account.

Here are the services we recommend:

Physical signs

Those in a hurry can go to physical take-back stores such as EasyCash or Cash Express. Check well before the transaction the price that the trade-in price suits you, in order to avoid disappointment!

Benefits :

  • present in all medium-sized cities
  • the sale is immediate if the fixed price is suitable


  • buyout price often very low
  • sellers are rarely connoisseurs

Sales tips

Selling is an art, but also and above all a matter of prudence. It is a question of evaluating the value of the object for sale according to the prices charged by other resellers of similar products (no need to play greedy, you would stay with your device on your hands), to find the most tailored to your needs, and to find a trusted buyer.

For this, it is up to you to ensure a healthy transaction from start to finish: post a clear announcement mentioning the date of purchase, the state of wear and the accessories delivered with the device, delete your personal data and your possible ROM , without forgetting of course to save and transfer your data beforehand.

Finally, choose the simplest method of handing over the terminal depending on your situation… and remember to communicate invoices and guarantees to your buyer, while having him sign a sales certificate in two copies.

Here is a sample certificate available on Google Drive.

It’s your turn !

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