How to take care of pets before fireworks

MIAMI— “Dogs and cats don’t know that fireworks aren’t literally ‘bombs going off in the air’; and they can get so scared that they run away, jump over fences or even break windows,” said the singer. Carla Morrison.

This year, and in a video that he made exclusively with PETA LatinoMorrison was accompanied by his two charming puppies, Chawiwi and Tino, to warn the public about how fireworks terrify residents. pets.

Your ad, which in addition to the video includes a radio ad that circulates on various stations at this time, arrives before Independence Day as a way to prepare those who live with animals to take the necessary measures. As he pointed out, “fireworks are not anything fun for the animals.

“Don’t light fireworks on your own; and keep your animals safe by staying home with them during events and closing windows, blinds, playing their favorite music to help calm them down,” added Morrison, who is one of the celebrities who have joined PETA Latino to spread compassion towards animals.

PETA carla morrison-fireworks. Courtesy / PETA Latino

Carla Morrison is part of the celebrities who have joined PETA Latino to spread compassion towards animals.

Courtesy / PETA Latino

And it is that every year many lost animals are reported in animal shelters across the country, highlights PETA Latino, part of PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), an international non-profit charity organization based in Norfolk, Virginia, and with entities around the world, which stands out for its motto: “Animals are not ours to abuse in any way.”

PETA was founded in 1980 and is dedicated to establishing and defending the rights of all animals. It operates on the simple principle that animals are not ours to experiment on, eat, dress, use for entertainment, or otherwise abuse. For this, it informs legislators and the public about animal abuse and promotes kind treatment of animals.

Tips to protect animals at home

According to warns For this entity, simply keeping animals indoors may not be enough to prevent them from suffering and being terrified. In case of feeling fear, the animals can flee their homes trying as a way to escape the explosions.

In fact, there have been reports of dogs breaking windows and doors, as well as the chains with which they are kept in patios, or even digging under fences in a panic. Unfortunately, while humans revel in the 4th of July fireworks, many animals go astray and never return.

PETA Latino shared with DIARIO LAS AMÉRICAS several tips that can help protect the furry ones at home during the fireworks show:

  1. Never take dogs or cats to fireworks displays or leave them outside alone during those times. Instead, keep them indoors, and if possible, stay home with them.
  2. Distract your cats and dogs by giving them lots of love and attention. You can play with them or reward them with treats or treats when they ignore an explosion (in addition to being a reward, food has a beneficial effect on brain chemistry).
  3. Put on relaxing background music or turn on the TV.
  4. Close the curtains or blinds.
  5. Make sure all your animals wear collars with current identification tags and are microchipped.
  6. Turn on the radio and tune to a classical music station, play a record specially designed to calm dogs, such as Through a Dog’s Earor turn on the television, a window air conditioner, a fan, or a dehumidifier to help muffle the sound of fireworks.
  7. For many dogs and cats it is useful to use the Thundershirt, a kind of vest that provides constant and gentle pressure. This helps them feel more secure and relaxed during fireworks shows and when there are thunderstorms.
  8. Melatonin (a hormone our bodies produce naturally) works as a calming agent in cats and dogs. It is important to consult your vet for dosage instructions. Other calming supplements include NutriCalm or Quiet Moments, both of which contain herbs and L-tryptophan, an essential amino acid and serotonin precursor that helps regulate mood.

It must also be taken into account that if there are fireworks at home, dogs specifically could be affected. Around the July 4th, the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) sees an increase in calls related to companion animals that have ingested fireworks. Fireworks contain various types of chemicals and heavy metals. Is for this that I know recommends that, if you light fireworks at home, you should make sure you clean the area well before allowing the dog access again.

Other animals

And it’s not just pets that suffer. As informa According to the Animal Legal Defense Fund, many humans are also bothered by fireworks, including people with post-traumatic stress disorder (veterans, for example), people on the autism spectrum, and others with sensory processing issues.

As reported by the aforementioned entity, there have even been sporadic reports suggesting that companion dogs have died after being scared by fireworks. It’s not just cats and dogs that face ill effects. A survey of pet rabbit and guinea pig keepers found that a significant number of these animals also displayed stress responses during fireworks displays.

Likewise, horses, whose well-honed instincts tell them to run away from what scares them, are at risk of injury when startled by fireworks. There have been numerous reports of fatally injured horses. Cows have even been known to stampede in response to frightening sounds.

As for wild animals, they face their own dangers as a result of fireworks. “We know what to expect, but the wildlife doesn’t,” notes the US Fish and Wildlife Service, adding that “abrupt lights and sounds are often seen as a threat by nesting bald eagles and easily scare off birds. great blue herons and other birds.


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