A haunting video of Dalai Lama He went around the world. The 87-year-old Buddhist leader was caught at a public event kissing a boy on the mouth and asking him to “suck his tongue.” The controversy was such that he had to apologize last Monday.

“His Holiness wishes to apologize to the boy and his family, as well as to his many friends around the world, for the harm his words have caused,” the Buddhist leader said in a statement.

In the document published by the office of the Dalai Lama they add that “he often teases people he meets in an innocent and mischievous way, even in public and on camera. He regrets the incident ”.

In social networks, the topic was a trend, to such an extent that it was discussed how we should educate our children so that they know how to react to these situations. Many remembered an advertising campaign “I know how to take care of my body”where it was taught precisely to be cautious in the face of possible abuse.

“I know how to take care of my body” campaign to prevent child abuse

The psychologist Milly Diaz explains: “The issue here is that the presence of the Dalai Lama It is a reminder that much remains to be done in our societies regarding the prevention of child abuse and the education of parents on how to teach their children not to allow any adult, regardless of position or fame, to abuse them.” .

The specialist maintains that the Small children They usually show their affection by giving kisses their parents, siblings or grandparents. “However, when it comes to strangers, this action can make them feel uncomfortable and refuse to do it. That’s why it is important not to force them to kiss”, precise.

Díaz refers that before greeting a child with a kiss, it is necessary to ask them if they feel comfortable doing it. “Children should have the freedom to choose how they want to greet people, whether it’s a kiss or just a handshake,” she says.

Warning signs are any change in behavior, silence, isolation, aggressive behavior, depression, anxiety, etc. (DEF File)
Warning signs are any change in behavior, silence, isolation, aggressive behavior, depression, anxiety, etc. (DEF File)

Along these lines, he points out that setting limits is essential for the child development, even in the emotional sphere. Children have the right to decide whether or not they want to be around a particular person. Children can show their politeness in other ways such as by shaking hands, greeting upon arrival, or giving a pat on the back.

The psychologist offers some tips to take into account and teach our children so that they know how to react to uncomfortable situations that can be classified as abuse.

  • It is important to communicate clearly to children about the dangers they may face in their environment.
  • Keep an open conversation with your children and give them confidence so that they can talk to you about any situation.
  • It is necessary to be attentive to the exits of the children, to the park or to the house of friends.
Children in the park.  EFE/Peter Foley
Children in the park. EFE/Peter Foley
  • Make sure your children know the phone numbers of people they trust in an emergency.
  • Educate your children about private body parts and teach them to value and love themselves.
  • Avoid sending your children shopping alone.
  • Teach your children the difference between good and bad secrets.
  • Monitor the websites your children visit.
  • Teach your children not to accept “gifts” in exchange for favors or commitments.
  • And above all, give him a lot of confidence, when he tells you something, don’t look surprised or scared, you have to give him confidence so that he can tell you his things


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